[-] Hagdos@lemmy.world 2 points 2 days ago

Nice little game, thanks for sharing!

Decipher #10 deciphered in ⏱️ 3m 1s ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ https://decipher.wtf

[-] Hagdos@lemmy.world 4 points 3 days ago

but self driving cars are immensely dangerous, and there's no evidence that self driving cars will make roads safer.

This is a horrible take, and absolutely not true. Maybe for the current state of technology, but not as an always-true statement.

Humans are horrible at driving. It's not hard to be better at driving than the average human. Perfect doesn't exist, and computer-driven cars will always make some mistakes, but so do humans (and media will report on self-driving cars much more than on the thousands of vehicle deaths caused by human error). AEB and other technologies have already made cars much safer over the previous decades.

On top of this, I have no confidence that the odds of an error in the system (eg: a dirty sensor, software getting confused) is not higher than the odds of a system correctly braking when it needs to.

Tell me you've never used or tested AEB without telling me.

Dirty sensors trigger a "dirty sensor warning", not a full emergency brake. There's more than one sensor, and it doesn't emergency brake on one bad sensor reading. Again, perfect doesn't exist, but it isn't close to the 50/50 you're trying to portray here.

  • Car brakes hard (even at 90mph), perhaps losing traction depending on road conditions

Any car with AEB will also have ABS and traction control, so losing traction is unlikely. Being rear-ended is never on the liability of the front car.

Yes, cars are dangerous, yes we need to make them safer, but we should use better policies like slower speeds, safer roads, and transitioning to smaller lighter weight cars,

Absolutely agree on all of this. Slower speeds and safer roads make accidents less likely and less lethal, for human and computer drivers both.

As such, legislation should be pushing very hard to stop self driving cars.

Legislation should push hard for setting clear boundaries on when self-driving is good enough to be allowed on the road, and where the legal responsibilities are in case of problems. Just completely stopping it would be wasted potential for safer roads for everyone in the long run.

[-] Hagdos@lemmy.world 26 points 1 week ago

A car nudging you towards an accident is dangerous, even if it's not forcing you into an accident.

An unnecessary distraction that needs active attention in a chaotic situation is a bad thing, bad driver or not. And yeah, there are many bad drivers out there. Cars should be designed to be driven by bad drivers, not armchair experts.

[-] Hagdos@lemmy.world 99 points 1 week ago

My company started with mandatory cybersecurity trainings for all employees. The training tool sends out automated emails to remind you when you have to do a new part of the training.

These emails, from a cybersecurity course, followed all the rules of being a phishing email:

  • Sent from a non-company server
  • Had a big red button to click here
  • Urged you to take action ("You have 5 days to complete your training")

IT decided to fix that, by adding a line to the emails that this email is really from our company. Like a phisher wouldn't think of saying "nah, trust me bro, I'm totally legit"

[-] Hagdos@lemmy.world 71 points 1 month ago

The first time I heard this joke I was laughing so hard I almost fell off my dinosaur!

[-] Hagdos@lemmy.world 31 points 3 months ago

Make it log, but not start at absolute zero anyway

[-] Hagdos@lemmy.world 19 points 4 months ago

Also not putting the dough in the fridge before baking. You can see the lefthand picture is already sweating, meaning it is very soft dough at room temp

[-] Hagdos@lemmy.world 24 points 4 months ago

"Use one word to describe this person who did many things."

ChatGPT: Does exactly that

"Noooo, why are you not adding the important context I want you to add?"

What did you expect, exactly?

[-] Hagdos@lemmy.world 65 points 5 months ago

I worked on solar racing cars as a student. The main race crosses outback Australia. One of the questions we often got: Does it have A/C?

No, no it doesn't. A/C uses about as much power as all of the solar cells on the car deliver. We can either move, or power an A/C-unit.

[-] Hagdos@lemmy.world 47 points 5 months ago

It's a Dutch picture. I have never seen a cashier standing up, I think a chair is mandated by law or workers protection rights

[-] Hagdos@lemmy.world 25 points 5 months ago

This is a very common Dutch design for bike racks. You use the vertical bar to chain your frame to.

If your groceries are popping your front wheel up, you have a very awkward setup. I've only had that happen with very large/weird loads. Normal groceries should be over your rear axle, not behind it.

Not all bikes are the same, but over here 90% of bikes are city bikes, and this rack accommodates that.

[-] Hagdos@lemmy.world 18 points 6 months ago

It's both a huge claim and an unimportant one, and that's why it's a problem.

Claiming you have "taller than Mt. Everest" mountains in your game is easily verifiable, and a ton of work. Because you need a map that fits a mountain that size, and need to do all the artwork, make it an interesting place to be. It's not impossible, just a lot of work.

At the same time, it's not very important. When I'm looking for a next game, I don't care how high the mountains are. I want an interesting place. Skyrims High Hrotgar for example is an interesting place with an interesting story. It felt very high and a long walk (7000 steps), but it probably pales in comparison to Mt. Everest.

So promise us a great story, interesting characters, or challenging gameplay. A good game, not a technical masterpiece that will be empty.

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