[-] Haagel@lemmings.world 62 points 1 month ago

All jokes aside, this is another great example of a trend towards bio-inspired engineering.

[-] Haagel@lemmings.world 55 points 2 months ago

What is so bad about living with your parents? That's still the norm in many parts of the world. For some reason western countries, and especially America, have exaggerated the benefits of being financially independent, as if shared resources were some kind of failure.

I beg to differ. The only people who lose when we share resources are the capitalists.

I've got a few friends in their thirties who live with their parents and the whole family is very happy. And although my kids are only six and three, I can't imagine any reason why I wouldn't want them to continue living in my house for as long as they needed support.

We all need support. It's not a shame. It's an asset more valuable than property, imho.

[-] Haagel@lemmings.world 50 points 4 months ago

This is why we need to keep science out of the classroom

[-] Haagel@lemmings.world 64 points 4 months ago

"It's unclear how such egregiously bad images made it through peer-review."

That's because the paper wasn't peer-reviewed at all. In fact, the majority of published medical and psychological papers are never reviewed or replicated.

The scientific method has sold out to the profit incentive, at least in academia.

[-] Haagel@lemmings.world 50 points 4 months ago

I'm not advocating violence, of course, because that's illegal both on this platform and in real life.

However, the history of humanity has demonstrated that powerful people need to be publicly executed in order for there to be sea change in economic inequalities. When enough people have nothing to lose, said executions become inevitable.

[-] Haagel@lemmings.world 51 points 5 months ago

Almost anything can be addictive, but some things are explicitly designed to be addictive. I don't think that young kids are capable of regulating their gaming addiction. Someone needs to intervene, most likely the parents.

[-] Haagel@lemmings.world 47 points 5 months ago

That's really embarrassing, but not surprising that a medical institution would lie and cheat. The profit motive is destroying scientific research.

[-] Haagel@lemmings.world 45 points 5 months ago

I'm not usually inclined to conspiracy but I honestly think this group is planted by somebody to make environmental activists look bad.

[-] Haagel@lemmings.world 61 points 5 months ago

With all due respect, my friend, you're assuming a false dillema. The majority of academic scientists are religious, reflective of the general population's religious affiliation.

Of course there are a minority of highly vocal outliers on both sides of the spectrum who profit from the discord, real or imagined.


[-] Haagel@lemmings.world 44 points 6 months ago

So excessive. I'm ashamed that my tax dollars have contributed to genocide.

[-] Haagel@lemmings.world 64 points 6 months ago

Why wouldn't an IDF sniper kill unarmed citizens in a church? They know that there will be absolutely no repercussions for their actions because the United States is wrapped around their bloodstained fingers and the States will continue to send unlimited money and arms.

I'm absolutely convinced that Israel will blatantly commit genocide and that Palestine will cease to exist within five years. Israel knows full well that public outrage will quickly be forgotten. They're planning for thousands of years of Israel's reign, while the Americans can only think as far as the next presidential election cycle.

[-] Haagel@lemmings.world 57 points 7 months ago

Mazel Tov! Now the deaths of those 5000 Palestinian children is totally justified!

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