I was fortunate to miss her first couple appearances on an F1 broadcast but apparently she's now part of the F1TV crew occasionally, just like James Hinchcliffe.

She's so out of touch with the sport that the questions and comments she make sound extremely awkward and out of place. I will literally mute the TV when she's on, or fast forward if I'm watching a recording.

Give me more strategists in the comm box and F1 academy drivers joining the broadcast and I'll be happy. Danica is like my F1 kryptonite.

War is truly terrible. No one should have to feel the pain the innocent victims of these conflicts feel.

I'm all for women in motorsports as long as those women aren't Danica Patrick.

Please stop being a part of F1 Danica. Thank you.

An impressive distance to fall in such a short time.

Can I get a to go plate?

My dogs enjoy weed as much as I do.

This picture is awful in so many ways.

I'd pay good money to know what Ted is thinking, and even more money to erase it from my memory forever.

It happens constantly (vegantheoryclub.org)

It sounds like you had a much better time of it with a more suitable dosage. Well done to give it another go after a bad experience. For a lot of people one bad high is enough to write off the whole thing.

Distillate can be sneaky in its potency. Enjoy the ride!

Time for the Bong of Power (vegantheoryclub.org)

Looking great!

Apologies if you've addressed this elsewhere but what's the motivation for mainlining? Are you experimenting or chasing something in particular?

I see your Schwartz is as big as mine.

We blend right in (vegantheoryclub.org)
Found in a medical journal (vegantheoryclub.org)
Let's get cooking (vegantheoryclub.org)
Life pro tips from Lisa (vegantheoryclub.org)
Based on a true story (vegantheoryclub.org)
The filter is on fire my dude (vegantheoryclub.org)
Oh no, Kevin! (vegantheoryclub.org)
Commonly featured on matrix (vegantheoryclub.org)
Jerry is my spirit animal (vegantheoryclub.org)
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joined 3 weeks ago