[-] FiskFisk33@startrek.website 1 points 2 hours ago

no, it costs NaN, now remove NaN from your account...

...oh no

[-] FiskFisk33@startrek.website 1 points 1 day ago

Tesla contends that it should have been obvious to LoSavio that his car needed lidar to self-drive and that his car did not have it

So their defence against fraud is that it should have been obvious they were lying? ouch.

[-] FiskFisk33@startrek.website 4 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

When you castle the king, he's in a quantum-entangled state with the rook!

when one of the kings possible locations are checked you throw a dice to resolve the quantum position

This could actually be an interesting video game idea to explore. You can make quantum moves that get resolved by chance once a possible position is interacted with.

like you make for example three different moves on your turn. chance will decide later which one resolves as true

[-] FiskFisk33@startrek.website 16 points 2 days ago

LLM is amazing tech, but holy fuck I can't wait to get out of this bubble. Some of these applications sound like when they put radium in butter in the 50's, because atomic energy was so hype.

[-] FiskFisk33@startrek.website 4 points 2 days ago

I don't know of any country where that right was put into place by asking nicely...

[-] FiskFisk33@startrek.website 15 points 3 days ago

if you highlight a feature as "now its positive", what you're actually saying "normally it's negative"

[-] FiskFisk33@startrek.website 6 points 3 days ago

typically you get a dropdown at the login screen :)

[-] FiskFisk33@startrek.website 4 points 3 days ago

Sure, but that is like saying potentially my pig might grow wings and start flying.

I mean I guess, but my pig is probably statistically significantly more likely to fly off than entropy is to decrease with time.

submitted 2 months ago by FiskFisk33@startrek.website to c/askandroid

I’ve been looking around, and with every vnc cliend I can find, when I press for example super+return, the vnc client gets backgrounded and the android “desktop” is shown.

Does anyone know of a client that actually captures the keyboard?


Reddit used to work like this but nuked it many years ago. I like it because it gives much more information about the consensus at a glance.

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