[-] Fermion@mander.xyz 7 points 3 days ago

Sorry, I must have skimmed too quickly and missed that.

[-] Fermion@mander.xyz 31 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

~~Look for an expiration date. Radionucleotide style detectors end up failing with false positives when they reach end of life. You might need to have all the old ones replaced.~~

[-] Fermion@mander.xyz 101 points 1 month ago

Or a chicken drumstick for somewhat similar bone strength.

[-] Fermion@mander.xyz 81 points 1 month ago

How much do you think nurses make?

[-] Fermion@mander.xyz 108 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

For anyone who thinks this would be a good tradeoff, this would be the worst sleep of your life.

I've only had sleep paralysis a couple times and it was always because I was stressed about homework/work and my brain kept trying to work through the problems in my sleep. It is a terrible experience. Sleep is about way more than physical rest. Depriving your brain of good sleep will ruin your memory and make functioning during the day exceedingly difficult.

Plus, let's look at what employers did in response to women entering the workforce. Has average household income doubled? No, pay has stagnated to the point of households needing two incomes to meet expenses. Don't expect working through your sleep to mean a life of leisure in the day. You're more likely to see wages fall to the point where everyone needs a day job plus a sleep job.

[-] Fermion@mander.xyz 56 points 3 months ago

Trump has to be less than 1000 big macs from a massive heart attack. She should stay in the race as the contingency candidate.

[-] Fermion@mander.xyz 40 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

They're saying that at highway speeds the cars energy usage would be off the chart, or if they scaled the chart to that usage, everything else would be too small to discern the differences.

You guys are in agreement.

[-] Fermion@mander.xyz 91 points 4 months ago

It's never safe to experiment with replicators. Just ask the asgard how that turns out.

[-] Fermion@mander.xyz 57 points 4 months ago

Or in the case of Comcast or Facebook, just rebrand without having to buy another company.

[-] Fermion@mander.xyz 71 points 5 months ago

If only there were a more convenient way to express 0.1cm.

[-] Fermion@mander.xyz 88 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

The glaring error is this screenshot is listing an income figure that is comparable to the 2022 total revenues in the 2022 fiscal report.


It looks like Starbucks 2023 EBITDA was $7.3 Billion and the net income was $4.1 Billion.

The post makes a good point, but uses garbage data. Why do they do this? Although an $11,000 raise would elliminate the actual net earnings figure.

[-] Fermion@mander.xyz 51 points 5 months ago

Elves are super racist toward pretty much every other race.

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