[-] Fauxreigner@beehaw.org 8 points 6 months ago

Unless you're willing to put in some kind of response that basically says "I'm not going to respond to that" (and that's a sure way to break immersion) this is effectively impossible to do well, because the writer has to anticipate every possible thing a player could say and craft a response to it. If you don't, you'll end up finding a "nearest fit" that is not at all what the player was trying to say, and the reaction is going to be nonsensical from the player's perspective

LA Noire is a great example of this, although from the side of the player character: the dialogue was written with the "Doubt" option as "Press" (as in, put pressure on the other party). As a result, a suspect can say something, the player selects "Doubt", and Phelps goes nuts making wild accusations instead of pointing out an inconsistency.

Except worse, because in this case, the player says something like "Why didn't you say something to your boss about feeling sick?" and the game interpreted it as "Accuse them of trying to sabotage the business."

[-] Fauxreigner@beehaw.org 3 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

Depending on your use case, if you want something stiffer you could brush each sheet with slow curing epoxy resin, then layer and press it to create some DIY micarta (yes, micarta technically uses phenolic resin, but epoxy should work fine for most uses).

[-] Fauxreigner@beehaw.org 9 points 8 months ago

I think there’s massive untapped demand for things like mini city cars and kei trucks.

Not just that, but even the more middle ground small cars. I'd love to have an EV truck sized the way they were in the 80's/90's (which was more or less comparable to a midsize sedan, just taller). The push to bigger and bigger wheelbases to take advantage of loopholes in the efficiency standards really doesn't need to be reflected in EVs, but it's what all the major automakers are doing.

[-] Fauxreigner@beehaw.org 4 points 10 months ago

If we're going to be pedantic, you mean that it's possible for the median to equal the arithmetic mean. The "average" is a number that represents a set of data, and could be the median, arithmetic mean, geometric mean, and several other values.

[-] Fauxreigner@beehaw.org 10 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

It's worth clarifying this to "non-consensual", since "ending genital mutilation of children" is the drum pounded by the anti-trans movement.

[-] Fauxreigner@beehaw.org 2 points 10 months ago

Usually that's an "and", not an "or".

[-] Fauxreigner@beehaw.org 26 points 11 months ago

Nah, these accusations of racism from a company owned by an Apartheid era South African emerald mine heir are too racist.

[-] Fauxreigner@beehaw.org 16 points 1 year ago

Rather than deal in abstractions, here's the comment thread.

[-] Fauxreigner@beehaw.org 8 points 1 year ago

Current-gen AI isn’t just viewing art, it’s storing a digital copy of it on a hard drive.

This is factually untrue. For example, Stable Diffusion models are in the range of 2GB to 8GB, trained on a set of 5.85 billion images. If it was storing the images, that would allow approximately 1 byte for each image, and there are only 256 possibilities for a single byte. Images are downloaded as part of training the model, but they're eventually "destroyed"; the model doesn't contain them at all, and it doesn't need to refer back to them to generate new images.

It's absolutely true that the training process requires downloading and storing images, but the product of training is a model that doesn't contain any of the original images.

None of that is to say that there is absolutely no valid copyright claim, but it seems like either option is pretty bad, long term. AI generated content is going to put a lot of people out of work and result in a lot of money for a few rich people, based off of the work of others who aren't getting a cut. That's bad.

But the converse, where we say that copyright is maintained even if a work is only stored as weights in a neural network is also pretty bad; you're going to have a very hard time defining that in such a way that it doesn't cover the way humans store information and integrate it to create new art. That's also bad. I'm pretty sure that nobody who creates art wants to have to pay Disney a cut because one time you looked at some images they own.

The best you're likely to do in that situation is say it's ok if a human does it, but not a computer. But that still hits a lot of stumbling blocks around definitions, especially where computers are used to create art constantly. And if we ever hit the point where digital consciousness is possible, that adds a whole host of civil rights issues.

[-] Fauxreigner@beehaw.org 4 points 1 year ago

The only other solution is that the richest person in the world (officially) is this stupid. This is almost harder to believe than a conspiracy to destroy twitter.

Why is that hard to believe? The mega-rich are not notably more intelligent than anyone else, they just started decades ago with inherited wealth and got lucky early.

[-] Fauxreigner@beehaw.org 6 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Beyond that, it'll try to summarize a book, but it often can't do so successfully, although it will act like it has. Give it a try on something that is even a little bit obscure and it can't really give you good information. I tried with Blindsight, which is not something that's in the popular culture, but also a Hugo nominee, so not completely obscure. It knew who the characters were, and had a general sense of the tone, but it completely fabricated every major plot point that I asked about. Did the same with A Head Full of Ghosts, which is more well known but still not something everyone has read, and it did the same thing.

One thing I found that's really fun is to ask it a question and then follow up with something like "Are you sure about that?" It'll almost always correct itself and make up something else. It'll go one step further and incorporate details you ask about. Give it a prompt like "Are you sure this character died of natural causes? I thought they were killed by Bob" and it will very frequently say you're right and make up a story along those lines that's plausible within the text. It doesn't work on really popular stuff; you can't convince it that Optimus Prime saves Luke Skywalker in RotJ, but anything even a little less well known and it'll tell you details that it's making up whole cloth with complete confidence.

[-] Fauxreigner@beehaw.org 3 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

He has a lot of narcissistic traits. I'm sure he was expecting a deluge of "of course we love you, you're a genius and real life Tony Stark, please make our bird app better!" That kind of genuine adoration is one of the few things he can't just buy outright, and he used to get it, but that well has been drying up as other car companies catch up to Tesla on EVs and their own products stagnate or get worse. Meanwhile, SpaceX's last big public event was a rocket blowing up, which they could try to spin, but it also destroyed their launch pad because they ignored lessons that NASA learned in the 60's. I'm sure in his mind all the bad press as people have started to realize what a shithead he is was just haters who were jealous of him, so surely if he just gives his fans an opportunity to express their opinions he'll get lots of positive responses, right?

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