[-] Eccitaze@yiffit.net 8 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

Basically, X11/Xorg doesn't isolate programs from one another. This is horrible for security since malicious software can read every window, as well as all the input from mice and keyboards, just by querying the X server, but it's also handy for screen reading software, streaming, etc. Meanwhile, Wayland isolates programs in their own sandbox, which prevents, say, a malicious browser tab from reading all of your keyboard inputs and logging your root password, but also breaks those things we like to use. To make matters worse, it looks like everyone's answer for this and similar dilemmas wasn't "let's fix Wayland" but "let's develop an extension to fix Wayland" and we wound up with that one fucking xkcd standards comic that I won't bother linking because everyone has seen it a zillion times.

ETA: Basically, my (layman's) understanding is that fixing this and making screen readers work in Wayland is hard because the core Wayland developers seem to have little appetite for fixing this themselves. Meanwhile, there's 3-4 implementations of Wayland that do things differently, so fixing it via extensions means either writing multiple backends in your program to do the same damn thing (aka a giant pain in the ass) or getting everyone to agree on the same standard implementation (good fucking luck).

[-] Eccitaze@yiffit.net 2 points 5 days ago

Or worse yet, they split the vote and a solid blue seat sends a Republican to Congress with 35-40% of the vote. I just love FPTP!

[-] Eccitaze@yiffit.net 5 points 6 days ago

Yup, this was one of the central debates with gay marriage vs. civil unions, so many LGBT+ couples were absolutely screwed pre-Obergefell by one of the partners getting sick or dying, and the surviving partner either having no say in medical decisions or getting screwed out of inheritance because the sick/dead partner's family was anti-gay and froze the surviving partner out of everything.

[-] Eccitaze@yiffit.net 44 points 1 week ago

Yeah, that's what happens when the LLM they use to summarize these articles strips all nuance and comedy.

[-] Eccitaze@yiffit.net 41 points 3 weeks ago

In my experience, any time someone mentions how many decades of experience they have in IT, it means they either:

  • Think that clicking the Facebook button on their desktop and finding their Downloads folder qualifies as experience in IT

  • Have decades of actual IT experience, but think everything still works like they did in the 90s. Yeah, maybe you were an IT expert at one point, but you never bothered to keep your skills fresh, you geezer.

In either case, they think they know better than the lowly flunkie trying to help them, and trying to get them to actually listen to you and "please sir just upload debug logs, I beg you, no those aren't debug logs, I gave you the instructions to generate debug logs three times already, maybe things will be different after the fourth time, there's a literal KB article with step by step instructions to sync your photo library, no I won't call you to handhold you through this, I'd literally just be reading the steps in the article" is pure suffering.

[-] Eccitaze@yiffit.net 50 points 3 months ago

Oh, I think they can precisely articulate exactly what they're angry about if you let them, but they know if they do that in public it'll show just how crazy, hateful, ignorant, and bigoted they are. What they're struggling with is how to articulate what they're angry about in a way that doesn't immediately expose them as a modern-day KKK for LGBT+ folk.

[-] Eccitaze@yiffit.net 46 points 5 months ago

Holy crap, what a garbage ragebait article

Saving you a click: there's no new info here, it's just the same hullabaloo over the guy who made the accusations rescaling the models so they're the same size, and the author treating it as proof they faked it all

Which, I don't personally have a strong opinion on whether it's faked (especially since it's been pointed out that models made using different programs and for different platforms can import in drastically different sizes) but it feels kind of disingenuous to say that it's faked just because of that, y'know? It's like if an artist takes a 1440p resolution image, traces over it, and posts the traced image in 720p resolution. I wouldn't consider blowing up the traced 720p to 1440p as "faking" it or altering the traced image.

[-] Eccitaze@yiffit.net 52 points 6 months ago

The public has the memory of a goldfish. We're less than 3 years out from the single worst administration in the history of this country, and we're seriously considering putting him back in office.

nihilsm rule (yiffit.net)
submitted 7 months ago by Eccitaze@yiffit.net to c/196@lemmy.blahaj.zone
[-] Eccitaze@yiffit.net 82 points 10 months ago

Not a part of blahaj, but the impression I've gotten from what I've seen (primarily in the lemm.ee megathread) is that for better or worse hexbear takes the concept of radical transparency and debate to its fullest extreme. For the better, it can produce some intensely thought provoking discussions--I've had to reevaluate and reconsider my own personal ethics more in the past week or so than I have in the past few years.

But the downside is that it's Just. So. Exhausting. I fully agree that everything they discuss has a political undertone to it in some way. It feels like they just cannot turn off, and I always have to be on my guard when they get involved in any discussion, even if it's nominally about a completely non-political topic. Even when they're making high effort posts instead of spamming emojis and pig poop balls, every discussion feels like a minefield, where the slightest misstep gets you punished with a "here's a response that implies/outright states you're woefully misinformed at best and a protofascist nazi at worst, here's a link to an obscure book written by a communist scholar 50 years ago that you should read before even trying to discuss this topic." Hexbear getting involved in a discussion is the discourse equivalent of a group playing 4-player FFA Smash Bros. with items on and someone rolls up and demands 1v1, no items, tournament ruleset only.

I feel like I just cannot relax when hexbear is active in a discussion, and it's not even like I really disagree with their points--yes, the US is too powerful, yes, capitalism is bad--but I strongly disagree with their conclusions (supporting China and Russia because it weakens the US is the equivalent of voting for Trump because Biden/Hillary isn't liberal enough.) It's just that they are so laser-focused on debate and so ready to believe the worst in everyone (they called using "top kek" a holocaust denier dogwhistle FFS, that shit originated from freaking world of warcraft, and was popularized on 4chan back when it was just a shithole instead of a racist shithole! I occasionally use it because I'm an elder millennial and I like making dated references!) that even if you support their overall goals and philosophy, you still walk away mentally exhausted because of how carefully you had to parse your words to avoid stepping on a landmine.

submitted 10 months ago by Eccitaze@yiffit.net to c/lemmyconnect@lemmy.ca

This is a fairly persistent issue that appears to be exclusive to Connect, and extremely annoying.

Any time a post accumulates very large numbers of comments (say, 300 or more), Connect will eventually just... stop loading additional comments. At first, scrolling down will load a few more top-level comments, but eventually it'll just give up and act like there's no more comments to load, even though there Connect has loaded less than 50 comments out of a 1,000+ comment megathread. Worse yet, if a user direct links to a comment on one of those megathreads, Connect will load a completely empty comment thread. This issue doesn't occur on Voyager or Jerboa, nor on the web UI.

[-] Eccitaze@yiffit.net 109 points 10 months ago

The lawsuit hinges on unwelcome public identification. Ironically, the parties here sue in their own names, filing in federal district court in Washington state and creating a public record of what the suit terms their “unpopular opinions.” By their own identification, they are:

Names listed in the article

They're not sending their best and brightest, folks

submitted 11 months ago by Eccitaze@yiffit.net to c/196@lemmy.blahaj.zone
submitted 11 months ago by Eccitaze@yiffit.net to c/lemmyconnect@lemmy.ca

I won't link specific posts for obvious reasons, but there were multiple posts here that were removed by community moderators but were still visible in the Connect app: https://lemmy.world/post/1468971

Needless to say, getting blasted with a bunch of rhetoric vile enough to warrant moderation is not the way I wanted to start my day.

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