[-] DrMorose@lemmy.world 29 points 14 hours ago

Putting a little Hauk Tuah on that 50.

[-] DrMorose@lemmy.world 6 points 1 month ago

If they float, it typically means the person is consuming too much fat in their diet. Not always but moat times.

[-] DrMorose@lemmy.world 6 points 1 month ago

Because they would also be paying for yours as well...

I swear people can not grasp that concept. This is not directed at you OP. I am just piggybacking my literal astonishment at these peoples cognitive dissonance.

[-] DrMorose@lemmy.world 6 points 3 months ago

That is not true. They still need probable cause to detain you, and if they have that they can actually hold you up to a max of 72 hrs before they must file actual charges. But for a stop they can only detain you in so long to effect the investagory period. That can take however long but for say a traffic stop should be like 20-30 minutes.

[-] DrMorose@lemmy.world 18 points 3 months ago

I would LOVE to see a source on this, but I have a feeling I already know where it is coming from.

[-] DrMorose@lemmy.world 7 points 3 months ago

Yes, but also no.

They don't call it the 1%, or 2%, or whatever percentage you want to use for nothing. There is still a large portion of boomers, my parents included that drank the kool-aid and by kool-aid I mean the pick yourself up by the bootstraps and work hard and you will be successful bs. They along with the rest of the leftover portion of their generation are pretty much unable to retire, just like the article points to. That is the class warfare. It doesn't matter what generation they are from it really does boil down to the haves and have nots.

The true point of Capitalism is like a big game of monopoly at the end only 1 person is going to win. There really is no other way for it to go down.

[-] DrMorose@lemmy.world 9 points 4 months ago

Yeah I am betting it will be 75 for me and I am only 43 now.

[-] DrMorose@lemmy.world 15 points 5 months ago

How are they influenced, and they aren't used being used for publicity from what I can tell from the article. One of the first posts here does a pretty good summary of the article that it centers more around the outrage than actually the after-school program itself.

[-] DrMorose@lemmy.world 13 points 6 months ago

I think they were just side stepping since they paused the lower courts ruling and then when they found out she left the state they dismissed their ruling as moot and then just went and overturned the lower courts. Pretty fucking spineless but they can still throw a supposed W and make themselves out to upholding values or some other BS talking point.

[-] DrMorose@lemmy.world 12 points 7 months ago

The only thing that would be the icing on the cake would all of these "Christians" would still be firmly on planet earth while everyone of the LGBTQ Alphabet would ascend. I know I am being hyperbolic but people can understand what I am getting at.

[-] DrMorose@lemmy.world 29 points 9 months ago

No this meme is just that old.

[-] DrMorose@lemmy.world 12 points 10 months ago

That is not exactly true. While it is true that the military brought Starlinks over to Poland and Musk gave 1500 units to Ukraine as well. There was a lot of back and forth because technically you are not supposed to use a commercial product for actual military operations. For everday activities it was fine but when Ukraine started sending drone feeds over the systems and supplied those feeds to the US Forces, it sort of crossed a line and they had to start negotiating the terms in the contracts as well as scaling back the usage. So all along Musk has been walking a fine line with being complicit with his tech being used for war and trying to avoid it.

Let me clarify I am not a Musk apologist, I am just adding some context. I still do not like that he can seemingly over reach like this, but if the terms were not in place and negotiating was not done he is within his rights.

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