[-] DashboTreeFrog@discuss.online 14 points 4 days ago

That was my first thought too; would this improve treatment for serious burn victims and such. Sounds like what they've made is better overall for sticking to applied surfaces and moving without tearing. Heck, maybe this could even lead to prosthetics that allow physical sensation

[-] DashboTreeFrog@discuss.online 3 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

Cool! I only know these guys for making the opening for the "Quick Questions" podcast, which I already thought was way more incredible than a podcast into song has a right to be. Now I really need to look into more of their stuff.

[-] DashboTreeFrog@discuss.online 20 points 5 days ago

I imagine this is the kind of sentiment that really scares the Israeli government and probably the people of Israel. Most people didn't really care before but now everyone has an opinion on Israel and it's generally not good. Potential political isolation aside, the social isolation's gonna be a big problem for them too.

[-] DashboTreeFrog@discuss.online 59 points 1 week ago

Most moral army in the world

[-] DashboTreeFrog@discuss.online 102 points 1 month ago

I feel like QAnon keeps upping the ante on the term "unhinged"

[-] DashboTreeFrog@discuss.online 132 points 1 month ago

After trying a search, opened Lemmy to see if it was my connection, immediately see this meme. Thanks for the troubleshooting confirmation Lemmy

[-] DashboTreeFrog@discuss.online 53 points 1 month ago

I hate this but I also get it.

A little while ago on the TWIT podcast one of the guests, or maybe Leo himself, was talking about how this is exactly what they want out of AI, for it to be able to know how they use their computer and just streamline everything. Some people are really excited about the possibilities, and yeah, the AI needs to track whatever you're doing to know how to help you with your work flow.

That said, I don't want Microsoft keeping track of everything I'm doing. They've already shown that they're willing to sell our data and shove ads down our throats, so as much as they say we can filter out what we don't want tracked, I'm not inclined to trust or believe them.


Any recommendations for something like "Amusing Ourselves to Death" but written after the internet became mainstream?

Something recently had me thinking about the book "Amusing Ourselves to Death" that made me want to give it a re-read, and as relevant as the main ideas still are for today, I wondered if there is a more recent book that is just as well received on the topic of society's addiction to amusement.

[-] DashboTreeFrog@discuss.online 71 points 2 months ago

It's so crazy to me that they throw this word around and they haven't come up with a shared definition. I know the article cites that lady who stumbled with the definition last year saying "it’s hard to explain in a 15-second sound bite" but after all this time, you'd think they'd have figured out some kind of ELI5 explanation.

I also don't accept that same person's line of "It is sort of the understanding that we need to totally reimagine and redo society in order to create hierarchies of oppression" because I'd argue what so called "woke" media tries to do is be aware of inequalities that already exist, not create them. But I suppose if they said it that way they'd have to recognize that current systemic inequality is a real thing.

Lots of reasons to hate on the anti-woke movement but at this point, this in particular really bothers me for some reason.

[-] DashboTreeFrog@discuss.online 129 points 3 months ago

Aunt went to a Catholic school, they made her switch. It's not just a middle ages thing

[-] DashboTreeFrog@discuss.online 57 points 3 months ago

I love how it looks like the cat is looking at the empty box thinking "Yo wtf???”

[-] DashboTreeFrog@discuss.online 83 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Took me a second.

But man, I don't write academic papers anymore, but I have to write a lot of reports and such for my work and I've tried to use different LLM's to help and almost always the biggest help is just in making me go "Man, this sucks, it should be more like this." and then I proceed to just write the whole thing with the slight advantage of knowing what a badly written version looks like.


I can't stop laughing but I also have no friends who read Stormlight to share this with 😭

[-] DashboTreeFrog@discuss.online 118 points 6 months ago

I honestly hadn't considered that eBook licensing data could be used in the way they describe in the article. EBooks becoming part of big data surveillance somehow feels especially disheartening to me.

Lately I feel like I've been duped for years since I used to believe strongly in the phrase "if you're not paying for it, you're the product" but it feels like with every paid product or service nowadays you're STILL the product...

But a pirate is always free 🏴‍☠️


Nowadays I find a lot of games feel like too much work and/or anxiety when I just want to relax for like, 30 minutes to an hour after a long day. On the other hand, the games specifically designed to help you unwind just feel boring imo.

In the past I've felt like Outer Wilds scratched this itch, cause the whole experience was engaging but generally relaxed. There was a mystery that kept me hooked and the exploration and movement was fun in and of itself. I also felt like Subnautica filled this role since it was very much at my own pace, with anxiety producing portions which could for the most part be avoided or minimized, and also there was a clear objective to fulfill, get off the planet.

So what games do you play when you just wanna relax?


Complete Linux noob so apologies if anything I say or ask about sounds dumb.

I want to start making the switch to Linux and I've got most things figured out I think. I plan on putting either Mint or Fedora on my old Surface Go gen 1 because it's not critical for my work and potentially losing some functionality there won't cause huge issues, but my main use of it right now is taking notes on Onenote that I can then view and edit from my other devices as well.

Looking into Onenote and alternatives on Linux, I keep running into comments about the lack of handwriting support or no straightforward answers about stylus support. Anything Lemmy recommends I try? Also, any advice on running Linux on the Surface Go in general is welcome. Found some resources already but doesn't seem like people do this often.

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