Yes! Is there one you could recommend?
I’m so sorry. I know how hard this is
Seeding 24/7
I don’t know. That may be the case!
Hmm I haven’t posted much in other languages but will test this out. Back when I was posting in Mandarin I never had to select anything.
Share more details please. I also had a similar issue
Northern Europe is super racist again black people and Asians….
Honestly isn’t that how most billionaires seek to portray themselves?
Fun read!
Whats with reddit post on the front page with comments that have their usernames shown as [deleted]?
Typically means they deleted their account or are banned right?
Got to hit it 2-3 times quickly
joined 4 days ago
I totally didn't think of them! Unfortunately I just checked and they're also made by coke...