[-] Colonel_Panic_@lemm.ee 14 points 1 week ago

Capitalism is just a complex pyramid scheme. Change my mind.

[-] Colonel_Panic_@lemm.ee 17 points 1 week ago

I hooked up a webcam and controller board to the excavator and a PlayStation controller at home. How about now?

[-] Colonel_Panic_@lemm.ee 15 points 1 week ago

Idiots. The toilet seat tissue layer doesn't do anything, that's why I lick the seat clean first. Saliva has antimicrobial properties, use your brain.

[-] Colonel_Panic_@lemm.ee 18 points 1 week ago

Yeah, you might accidentally bump into him in the hallway and he would stand his ground and gun you down for the audacity.

[-] Colonel_Panic_@lemm.ee 21 points 1 week ago

(Unplugs external drive)

"I deleted them."

"You deleted all of them?"

"Yep, not on the website anymore. See."

"Ok.... Good.... But I'm watching you."

[-] Colonel_Panic_@lemm.ee 19 points 1 week ago

Assuming all the stories are true and accurate, Jesus from the Bible was a pretty chill dude and good human. His dad, on the other hand, makes Hitler look like Mr Rogers. So there's that.

I used to believe it all, but the more I learned, the more I questioned, the more I questioned, the more it all fell apart.

Notable things that led to my deconstruction/atheism:

  • The sheer number of times the Bible has been edited. From key words omitted or added to entire books added or removed. It's like a cobbled together series of Grimms Fairy Tales and Op Ed news articles by hundreds of people for over a thousand years. If it was real then why has it been edited and changed so much though history? Couldn't a god that wrote that make it divine and unalterable.

  • The sheer number of contradictions.

  • The fact that there are countless thousands of other religions all claiming to be the only one. Most have their own books. Their own prophets. Their own stories. There's a ton of overlap and commonality, almost as if they all pull from similar cultural stories. If any religion were true, wouldn't that god have some way to make their religion the only one? And if you want to argue that it is a test of some sort then it's a crazy test because it's impossible to ever choose one out of thousands of clones and spinoffs.

  • If it is all true, why did the god need people to write a book to tell the story, but did it hundreds of years after the Jesus stuff and thousands of years after the creation stuff? Couldn't the lore book have been created and existed on a little pedestal for all to see or something? What about the millions of people that died before it was written? What about all the people that have lived and died having never heard about it even once? It's unfathomable.

  • If religion is good and right and moral then why are priests, pastors, and other religious leaders the ones committing so many SAs and other awful behaviors? Similarly, why is an entire political party so intertwined and permeated with religion while committing the most awful of actions?

  • Lastly, go read the old testament, specifically all the stories where the response to almost everything is murder and genocide. Like, one person commits some sin and the god just murders everyone and burns the whole city down. Seriously? That's "good"? That's worthy of belief and worship? The flood story. The Jericho story. The Sodom and Gammorah story. Etc etc. That god's solution to everything is psychopathic mass destruction and death. You'd think a good god would come down and be like "Hey guys, let's talk".

[-] Colonel_Panic_@lemm.ee 16 points 2 weeks ago

I mean this in the kindest way possible:

Do you want to feel good about your choice or do you want your choice to make a small difference?

I want wars and genocides and murders and suffering and death and sickness to be minimal or zero. I want my fellow humans to be happy and healthy and thrive. I want my labor and work to be a positive thing for society and also benefit me fairly. I want to be a part of ensuring the ecosystem doesn't collapse. I want to learn from others and I want to be able to teach others. And I have a feeling you agree with me on those things.

But I also am approaching this from reality. And I am acknowledging that with our voting system as it is today, you can either vote for 1 of 2 candidates or you don't care who wins and are complicit with their choices the next 4 years. That is simply reality.

But I also agree with you that ideally we could vote for not-genocide. I want that so badly. But we have to have a viable means to do that first. So let's work together and push for a system where our voices can be heard and can make a difference. In the meantime I'd rather see Biden in office which gives us a chance for those things vs Trump which has said and demonstrated he will try to end it.

I'm not trying to be difficult, I'm trying to make the point of reality vs ideal. And we aren't at ideal yet, so we need to work toward it.

[-] Colonel_Panic_@lemm.ee 15 points 3 weeks ago

Look at this guy, he has his own mill while the rest of us have to use a mortar and pestle.

[-] Colonel_Panic_@lemm.ee 20 points 1 month ago

I saw this a few years ago and it has stuck with me.

"The economy isn't talking about me and you, it's referring to corporations and executives and shareholders and such."

The economy could be doing amazing and we have 50% unemployment.

The economy could also be doing terrible and we have 0% unemployment.

The economy could also be doing amazing and the workers don't make enough to survive.

It isn't measuring what many people seem to think it is. It isn't a measure of "how well the average person is doing" at all.

[-] Colonel_Panic_@lemm.ee 19 points 2 months ago

They just tripped and accidentally fell on all 12 points of fascism. Right?

[-] Colonel_Panic_@lemm.ee 14 points 2 months ago

I would LOVE to see that scenario. Trump goes to prison as he deserves and gets his special accommodations all revoked either by the court or the prison or whatever.

Being immune to repercussions of your crimes because you are in a certain position is a very bad thing.

[-] Colonel_Panic_@lemm.ee 18 points 2 months ago

I love that it completely skips the state.

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