[-] Clever_Clover@hexbear.net 15 points 6 months ago

first of all, the game is alright, and second there isn't actually any sex, it's just a horror game with an extremely abusive manipulative sister/brother dynamic where there are a lot of fucked up things that happen like eating the neighbor, sacrificing souls to a demon, etc, near the end of the game there's a choice you can make that is that the sister gets more serious about making sure her brother is only hers and that implies incest, for some reason people on twitter got really mad at the inclusion of incest as a topic when it's very obviously not an endorsement but a bad theme like all of the others the game gets into

[-] Clever_Clover@hexbear.net 14 points 6 months ago

testing for prions, especially for ones that you don't know of yet (which can develop at any time in any person due to the nature of prions, but that's very very rare) is extremely difficult, when mad cow disease is detected in a cattle herd you cull the herd, it isn't worth it, the risk is far too high, and prions cannot be removed through anti-biotics or any kind of treatment, the only way to destroy them is denaturation through burning

prions are misshapen proteins that 'spread' in that when they touch the normally shaped proteins of the same kind they can cause them to become misshapen in the same way too, and being misshapen means this protein can't do its job, and when it's job is keeping your brain working or doing other important biological functions, you can see where issues arise

someone who was healthy at the end of their life may have prions in their body that were dormant and did not show symptoms, the longer you live the more likely you are to have proteins become misshapen, most are harmless and wouldn't spread anyway, and most people die without developing anything to do with prions because of just how unlikely it is to happen

but in the rare chance someone's body produces a misfolded protein that is both infectious and affects an important biological function then that extremely small chance would be buried in the ground or incinerated the majority of the time, but if more people practiced cannibalism then that protein would have a field day as it spread to the first person and then through blood contact spread to others, because a lot of prion disease is slow acting and/or has a very long incubation period (multiple years)

so not practicing cannibalism makes it a lot less likely for an untreatable deadly prion disease to materialize

[-] Clever_Clover@hexbear.net 24 points 6 months ago

Something something I hope for a future where I'll face the wall for being a reactionary something something

[-] Clever_Clover@hexbear.net 28 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

uh, buddy, you're aware the US has that too right? like, by your own logic the chinese cannot control the UN any more than the US can, and I'm purely using what you've said, no other needed information about the history of what the UN says and sides most of the time with needed.

[-] Clever_Clover@hexbear.net 29 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

yes, obviously the UN and WHO are controlled by the evil see see pee

[-] Clever_Clover@hexbear.net 29 points 6 months ago

I condemn the racist politics of the right-extremist government of Israel and the social segregation and severe injustice it causes. What is your point?

Israel is an apartheid state, this isn't new, this isn't something that the current government did, this is the establishing principle of the state that has been held up since the start, calling an apartheid state "diverse" like you did in your first post is absolutely incorrect and is not close to the reality of the situation in any way shape or form, it's pure propaganda

There was this thing you all constantly choose to ignore, called the holocaust, that afaik not just a lot of antifascists see as a reason why Israel must exist, simply because otherwise the Jews will not survive capitalism.

having suffered in the past does not give a group of people free reign to commit those same acts against a separate unaffiliated population, having an ethnostate in the first place is not a good goal, but even if we said it was necessary, doing it through the ethnic cleansing and genocide of another group is not at all justifiable in any way.

treating things as if jews are simply different from regular people and could never survive as a minority in another country so they should not be judged by the same standard we apply to everyone is in itself an anti-semitic view to have, jews are regular people, committing genocide and ethnic cleansing is bad, whoever does it and however noble their goal is doesn't change that fact.

[-] Clever_Clover@hexbear.net 15 points 6 months ago

'Warak enab' (ورق عنب) is how you say 'grape leaves' in arabic, so, that's the same dish yeah, they're stuffed with rice mainly

[-] Clever_Clover@hexbear.net 19 points 6 months ago

Even with the meaning of Semite=Jew

That's still incredibly antisemitic, saying all jews are Zionists is just calling all jews supporters of genocide, apartheid, and ethnic cleansing, it's untrue of course, being a Jew has nothing to do with supporting ethnic cleansing and the existence of the state of Israel

[-] Clever_Clover@hexbear.net 20 points 7 months ago

Have this book comrade https://traumbooks.itch.io/the-sad-bastard-cookbook it has a lot of tips on really easy things to make that don't require any big effort, and tips on how to stock your pantry and stuff to be able to make these things, it's a very short read

[-] Clever_Clover@hexbear.net 18 points 9 months ago

I despise you for exposing me to this, dishonor on you, dishonor on your cow, spreading this kind of nuclear grade cringe should be a punishable crime.


I have tried a few of the lemmy apps and most can't login due to some form of API/connection error, connect for lemmy I did get to login with but I can't do anything like vote on a post or post a comment or subscribe to a community (things which I assume use the API)

Are there any apps that do work? is the API disabled on hexbear for some reason?

[-] Clever_Clover@hexbear.net 13 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

'democratic' is used today a lot of the time to describe neoliberal capitalist governments that are controlled (influenced greatly) by the capitalist class

for example we can look at somewhere like the US and point out how the majority of people in government are all rich capitalists and how through lobbying and campaign 'donations' and owning the media the capitalist class controls the government

marxists call this kind of state a dictatorship of the bourgeoisie (capital), as opposed to a dictatorship of the proletariat (workers)

dictatorship here meaning general 'rule' not the specific meaning that the word has taken on more recently

so 'democratic' capitalist countries that exist today are under the "rule of the capitalist class" or "dictatorship of capital"

so if you wanted an actual democratic (in the real sense of the word) government, you'd need a government which is controlled by the majority of people, that is, the workers, a dictatorship of the proletariat

under such a system capitalists cannot be allowed to have influence on the government, which is something that is not really possible unless you implement tight capital controls like they do in China

the reason being that capital flight is a very real threat to a capitalist economy, and having that power over a government lets the capitalist class dictate terms and change laws to be favorable to them despite what the majority of people might want.

so to answer your question, the only way to have a government with a capitalist system not be controlled by capitalists is through suppression of the capitalist class, if they are allowed to have influence then you no longer have actual democracy.

[-] Clever_Clover@hexbear.net 21 points 9 months ago

best way I've seen to tell someone to read capital lmao

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