[-] ClarkDoom@lemmy.world 19 points 10 months ago

lol what a lame post

[-] ClarkDoom@lemmy.world 21 points 11 months ago

I actually disagree on the majority. As someone who grew up in the Christian south I’m well aware of the misguided beliefs people can have but a majority of religious practitioners are not extremists and are much more malleable on individual topics and beliefs than many in the atheist community would care to accept - I say this as someone who considered themselves an atheist for a time but stopped when I realized religion has many benefits when used as a tool and any community, including atheists, is prone to having toxic extremism that makes the whole seem worse than it is. Take Islam for example, there are two major divisions of Islam, Sunni and Shia, and most people in the west think the extremist views of the Shia are what most Muslims believe but in all actuality they only make up about 15% of Muslims. The extremists are what get attention, not the majority of folks that use their religion and culture as a tool for living lives they think are good, beneficial or fruitful.

[-] ClarkDoom@lemmy.world 20 points 11 months ago

I watched this episode today and when Lal kisses Riker and Data walks in on them and asks “what are your intentions with my daughter” is probably the funniest gag in the whole franchise. Literally laugh out loud funny.

[-] ClarkDoom@lemmy.world 26 points 11 months ago

If you wanna irrationally doom a burgeoning social media network with misguided ideals, that’s on you. Lemmy will never reach critical mass on part time unpaid devs. If you were really against your usage data being monetized you wouldn’t be using any social media as that’s a core part of how any major social network grows and thrives.

[-] ClarkDoom@lemmy.world 25 points 1 year ago

I swear the most annoying part of lemmy are the people who think all open source options are better than all closed source.

[-] ClarkDoom@lemmy.world 22 points 1 year ago

Honestly, this is a pretty clear interpretation of the implied subtext.

[-] ClarkDoom@lemmy.world 18 points 1 year ago

The people that use it this way ruin it for everyone else.

[-] ClarkDoom@lemmy.world 18 points 1 year ago

I think they are real cuz they included Chapel’s song and the amount of autotune they added probably wouldn’t have happened if they hired a professional singer. Still liked the song, it was just very noticeable.

[-] ClarkDoom@lemmy.world 18 points 1 year ago

If someone would have asked me a year ago if I thought Spock/Chapel and La’an/Kirk were gonna be my favorite ships in the Star Trek universe I woulda laughed at them.

Yes, this a starship joke lol

[-] ClarkDoom@lemmy.world 24 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

That article you shared is literally an opinion piece that even says the actor hasn’t specifically made antivax statements. It’s written by someone trying to infer the actors opinions without any verification. That’s not a reputable source. Also, we’re knocking people for twitter follows now? That could be something Levi looks at, it could be a random account added by a social media team, it could be any number of things.

You use the word “actively sides” - that’s objectively not true based on these sources. I’m all for holding people accountable but come on, this is just attacking the guy and using baseless accusations to merit it. Do you have any verifiable or reputable sources that prove this guy is a hateful bigot? If he is, so be it, but what you shared doesn’t support that notion in any fair sense.

Edit: based on some of the responses I’m seeing I’m gonna leave this thread alone. There are so many inferences, allusions, speculations, disreputable sources and “guilty by association” reasons being used to hate on this person that it’ll probably start an all day argument. To those who responded, thanks, just not how I wanna spend my time today.

[-] ClarkDoom@lemmy.world 22 points 1 year ago

Protip: anytime you think using the word “woke” is appropriate for a statement take a second and describe exactly what you mean instead of using a stand-in that has no specific definition and can mean widely different things depending on the audience. If you can’t explain what you’re trying to say specifically your point isn’t worth sharing. It’s the same effect as when people use curse words as stand ins for actually communicating what they think or feel - it’s a barrier to communication and lazy.

As it stands now your comment makes no sense and doesn’t convey any of your actual thoughts on the movie. Wtf is “woke in the extreme sense” or how did the movie “poke fun” at “wokeness”.

Too many smooth brains use the word “woke” as a replacement for actually having to think about what they want to say. Don’t be a smooth brain.

[-] ClarkDoom@lemmy.world 17 points 1 year ago

Theres a lot here and I dont have the time to tackle everything but I will say the movie isnt about making the atomic bomb, its about Oppenheimer and the complexities of the person who made the bomb because of his impact on history.

There only being silence when the bomb actually went off was the perfect way to depict the scene - Oppenheimer opened pandora's box and the focus is entirely on the person instead of the explosion. I thought it was a bold and intelligent creative choice precisely because it makes you engage with the inner workings of Oppy's mind and the central premise of the film. Making the dramatic tension about an explosion instead of what the movie is actually about is what would have came off as pretentious to me.

I think you can argue against the movie being pretentious in general because this isnt a work of fiction and Oppenheimer was incredibly important and influential and effected actual lives. Every little moment, quirk, or relationship molded him and created the person that literally changed the world. Folks can disagree on whether they have a positive or negative perception of Oppenheimer but to say the man and his life's depictions are unimportant or pretentious doesn't seem fair.


Maybe more to do with the non-sensical story and the final act turning into a kaiju attack lol


Okay this is pretty cool…


Between this and the King of the Hill revival, older animation loving millennials are eating gooood.

Diablo IV Patch Notes (news.blizzard.com)

Now THIS is a patch update. Ready to grind some NM dungeons while I wait for the season to start.


Honestly, this seems like a decent choice. He definitely has the look down. What do yall think?

Inaugural Post (lemmy.world)

Hey all!

I started this community and wanted to kick things off with an inaugural post! Much appreciation to anyone who is checking out this channel. This is meant to be an inclusive and fun group so if you like what you see, subscribe to the channel and join in the conversation!

I'd love to hear what folks have been playing/reading/watching lately. For me, I've been having a blast with Diablo 4, so much so that I finished the campaign and decided to go back to the very beginning and play Diablo 1. The main nerdy show's I'm watching are Silo and Strange New Worlds. Im liking Silo but hope season 2 steps up the writing. SNW is top notch like it has been since it started. As far as reading, I'm in the middle of Tom King's Supergirl series and have been enjoying it greatly.

Looking forward to building with you, Clark.

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