[-] CileTheSane@lemmy.ca 1 points 2 minutes ago

True, but replacing it with fascism is not an improvement.

[-] CileTheSane@lemmy.ca 19 points 14 hours ago

3 out of 10 believe impartiality means agreeing with their ideology.

[-] CileTheSane@lemmy.ca 3 points 16 hours ago

Cool story. Lots of threads about things I haven't heard of, I don't feel the need to comment as such on every single one of them. Shrug

[-] CileTheSane@lemmy.ca 1 points 16 hours ago

Except for when I'm out of the house

[-] CileTheSane@lemmy.ca 1 points 20 hours ago

Oh, Steam is on Android now?

[-] CileTheSane@lemmy.ca 9 points 21 hours ago

I. One should strive to act with compassion and empathy toward all creatures in accordance with reason.

No wonder Republicans don't like them.

[-] CileTheSane@lemmy.ca 14 points 1 day ago

Which is also my reaction to the post being upvoted.

[-] CileTheSane@lemmy.ca 15 points 1 day ago

Damn, if only OP provided you with a link or something that could tell you all about it...

[-] CileTheSane@lemmy.ca 5 points 1 day ago

His base would happily shit their pants if they thought a Liberal would have to smell it.

[-] CileTheSane@lemmy.ca 18 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Beverly Willett, a writer and attorney, argues that unilateral no-fault divorce is also unconstitutional because it violates a person’s 14th amendment right to due process.

The defendant “has absolutely no recourse to say, ‘Wait a minute. I don’t want to be divorced, and I don’t think that there are grounds for divorce. I would like to be heard. I would like to call witnesses,’” said Willett, who experienced a divorce she didn’t want because she thought her marriage could be saved. “I believed in my vows” and “didn’t want to give up”.

What witnesses do you need other than the one person saying "I no longer love them and have no desire to put any more effort into making it work."

Conservatives really have no empathy don't they? "This is what I want so it doesn't matter what you want."
I think I know why they divorced you...

Are they going to start demanding witnesses before you can break up with someone you're dating too?

[-] CileTheSane@lemmy.ca 5 points 1 day ago

My dishwasher can't decide to just leave my property on its own, why should my other dishwasher?

[-] CileTheSane@lemmy.ca 9 points 2 days ago

Social Media is limiting your life span and quality of life. I recommend you stay off of it.

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by CileTheSane@lemmy.ca to c/lemmy_support@lemmy.ml

This is a weird one.

I am subscribed to Risa@startrek.website When browsing on my phone I can see the thumbnails just fine. When browsing on my desktop ublock origin blocks the thumbnails and avatars, but only from the startrek.website instance, and only when I'm accessing it through Lemmy.ca

If I go directly to startrek.website I can view everything fine, and other instances I am not encountering this issue with. Any idea what might be the cause? I am using Firefox.


I can go to the main page of a Lemmy instance and see whatever is active on that instance at the time, but is there a way to get something like r/all for all federated instances?

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joined 10 months ago