Nebula is one I've been interested in too, I always see creators I like advertising that they're on there as well. If anyone knows how it compares to Curiosity Stream or other services I'd be interested to know (hope this isn't too off topic, OP).
Cutie! I always want to boop their little chest blotch.
Option (4): Venus. Apparently the planet Venus is a very common cause of UFO reports.
This one didn’t collide with another plane, so there’s that at least. We’ll see when the NTSB report comes out, but crashes right after takeoff are usually caused either by bird collisions or mechanical failure.
The first is sheer bad luck a lot of the time, but the latter is totally justified to worry about. So I tell myself, as it’s what I’m afraid of, hah.
I just wanted you to know that you can't just say the word tariffs and expect anything to happen.
I didn’t say it. I declared it.
If you’re going to misrepresent what I said that badly while completely ignoring that this is, in fact, a widespread and standard headline format seen across many publications then I guess we’re done here 👍
Almost everything on that album is so good and danceable. I think that’s what I need to pick me up tonight.
Not a coincidence it was made during the Bush years, after getting reelected on the promise of banning gay marriage with a constitutional amendment. When times are shit is when you really need the danceable music.
According to emergency personnel on the scene, the six people were two doctors, two pilots, a pediatric patient and likely a family member of the patient.
Fucking tragic.
I think the best course of action here is to just tell the therapist that what she said felt invalidating to you, and ask why she said it. How she reacts will be a good indicator on whether it was intentional and whether she is a good fit for you.
She may have been trying to give you (seemingly unasked for, based on your post) passing advice without endorsing the sentiment behind it, and just came off badly. If you don’t want her input on what she thinks would make you pass better, you can absolutely tell her that. You get to set boundaries with the therapist, too.
Not only do they not need the water right now, rain is expected in the next week so this could actually increase the risk of flooding.
If all they ever told you was to relax your eyes then it's not surprising they don't work for you, that's not very helpful! Feel free to skip the rest of this if you don't want advice on how to get them to work.
For me, the best way to get them to work is to cross my eyes and let my gaze drift out of focus. When I was a kid I read a tip in a book to press your nose up to the book, look at the picture, and keep them in that position as you pull away. That works well for me too if I'm having trouble doing it on my own.