[-] CascadeOfLight@hexbear.net 5 points 8 hours ago

Got the receipts right here

[-] CascadeOfLight@hexbear.net 3 points 21 hours ago

Fucking sick!! lenin-heart

I want to add, my life was changed forever when I saw the only true solution to the trolley problem

[-] CascadeOfLight@hexbear.net 7 points 2 days ago

Dagoth Ur, the building,


[-] CascadeOfLight@hexbear.net 16 points 2 days ago

I like to ask liberals: can you imagine any other nation getting away with this? Can you imagine the apocalypic media storm if Russia or China killed one UN worker?

[-] CascadeOfLight@hexbear.net 40 points 5 days ago

It's the US, there are no non-Hitler candidates

[-] CascadeOfLight@hexbear.net 72 points 4 months ago

did-someone Oh, did someone get addicted to property speculation?


This story sets my blood absolutely boiling every time it comes up. A 15 year old girl was sex trafficked to Syrian extremists, by a people-smuggling ring run by a man later discovered to be a Canadian intelligence asset, was "married" within 10 days of arriving in Syria, had three children before she was 19 all of whom died, and the day after she was discovered alive in a refugee camp and expressed her wish to come home, she was illegally made stateless by the Home Secretary revoking her British passport in the name of """protecting national security""".

And these savages are literally baying for her blood, gleefully pointing out "It's not illegal because she's not stateless, she can go to Bangladesh, oh but they dispute that she's a citizen and they've said if she goes there they'll hang her for terrorism! Hahaha! pLaY sTuPid GaMeS " smuglord

but she still has extremist beliefs and won't condemn ISIS

OF COURSE SHE FUCKING DOES, SHE'S LIVED IN A TENT IN THE DESERT SINCE SHE WAS 15. HOW COULD SHE POSSIBLY HAVE BEEN DERADICALIZED?? Oh, some fucking "anonymous source" in the Telegraph says she was "an 'enforcer' in IS's 'morality police'"? That's fucked up, did she like do anything or kill anyone though? No? Of course not.

These same fucking people will then turn around and shed their crocodile tears about oppression in Xinjiang. If she was Chinese she'd have been brought back, put in a deradicalization center for a few months to a year, given teaching on why her extreme beliefs were wrong along with some education and training, and now she'd be working in a garment factory or something, with a long and normal life ahead of her. Instead the compassionate, civilized West has condemned her to a legal black hole, trapped with no future in the desert camp that her children died in, for the crime of being kidnapped as a child by our own spies, to an extremist organization that, as we all know here, is a US project.

The whole thing is a perfect encapsulation of the inherent brutal, savage cruelty and criminality of western regimes and the bootlickers in their population. I try to remind myself that there are good people here who also think this is a travesty, but when I read this thread I can only get a few comments in before I get the urge, like bile rising up my throat, to scream UNLIMITED GENOCIDE ON THE FIRST WORLD.

inshallah-script the forgiveness they have shown her, will in turn one day be shown to them.


Redditors react to a video of a bike ride around Pyongyang

Video: the most normal city ever filmed

Redditors: So spooky! Everything looks... wrong! This guy is taking his life in his hands to film this! avgn-horror

Also Redditors: Looks too normal, this has to be staged, they're actors and this is a propaganda channel! phoenix-objection-1phoenix-objection-1

Side note: my tolerance for western bullshit on the DPRK has reached the negatives, five seconds in these comments and you can cook an egg with my blood. Salute to the small handful of brave comrades pushing back on propaganda in the replies kim-salute


Laugh! Laugh at the inferiority of the untermenschen-crafted weapon! soypoint-2

Featuring such golden comment chains as:

One a/c on the assembly line. Look at manufacturing sites for F-35 and F-22. Dozens of aircraft lined up. That’s the difference.

That’s the first thing I noticed. Russian industrial capacity has literally collapsed, I never realized they were this weak. Compare that to their Chinese allies who have been able to produce an impressive number of J20s pretty fast even though the SU57 had its test flight earlier

Too many people stealing money and limiting their capabilities. Good lol*

*not like our trustworthy Raytheons and Northrop-Grummans, of course edgeworth-smug

[-] CascadeOfLight@hexbear.net 87 points 10 months ago

Like salmon migrating, each generation feels the inexorable call to walk under an artillery shell from Izhevsk

[-] CascadeOfLight@hexbear.net 69 points 10 months ago

You hate George Soros because you're a conspiracy-brained neonazi

I hate George Soros because of his financial crimes devastating SEA

We are not the same

:let-them-fight: (hexbear.net)

For when you spy that fash-on-fash violence.

(Great minds think alike but this one has no background)

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