[-] BrightCandle@lemmy.world 5 points 1 day ago

I don't think modern Raspberry pi's make much sense unless you are using GPIOs or really need the low power consumption. The 3 and the 4 were OK price wise but the pi 5 is quite close to all these N100 mini computers and they are a lot more performance and expansion compared to a raspberry pi 5 and still quite low power.

Either a Topton or similar N100 based machine or a mini PC second hand is the way to go at the ~$100 mark. The mini PC will be faster and probably more expandable and cheaper but also more power consumption.


This used to be a lot easier, Youtube had an export function to OPML and you could just import it.

Its quite useful being able to follow all your Youtube channels with your RSS reader if you want to pick which you want to watch then also Metube and the browser plug-in makes it a right click and select to send it for download.

[-] BrightCandle@lemmy.world 35 points 3 weeks ago

Its been obvious since the first few weeks that a genocide was occurring. We truly live in a post truth era where no public institutions will simply say what is happening and have to be dragged with ridiculous levels of evidence to the conclusion that has been obvious for half a year.

[-] BrightCandle@lemmy.world 42 points 2 months ago

Most of the cookie banners are breaking GDPR. The requirement under GDPR is that privacy must be the default and users can select to opt in. So most of the banners you come across that default to all tracking are against the law already. The legislation didn't stop them being annoying in this way but a few prosecutions for the breaches and dark patterns would set things off on a better path.

submitted 3 months ago by BrightCandle@lemmy.world to c/hardware@lemmy.ml

Task Manager of prototype Intel CPU shows Core and Logical processor count are the same at 8.

This is still a relatively low end chip if its just 8 cores and a 13500 has 6 + 8 = 14 total so this is maybe a laptop processor. Hyperthreading probably doesn't make sense anymore.

[-] BrightCandle@lemmy.world 80 points 4 months ago

The EU law explicitly says no consent by default and users have to opt in. All of these cookie banners are breaking the law, the law doesn't need to change it just needs enforcing and these banners will disappear. We already have a do not track header and that could be complied with but it's enforcement that is the problem.

[-] BrightCandle@lemmy.world 38 points 6 months ago

Its not directly in the article but the primary reason Solar is its a lot cheaper than electricity production from fuel, something like 1/4 - 1/10 the price depending on where in the world you are. An energy company is basically foolish to invest in oil based electricity production when Solar is so competitive and cheap and easy to maintain. Wind is a little cheaper where there is good airflow but the maintenance cost is higher especially for offshore. Both however are so much cheaper than Nuclear and especially than oil/drilling fuels that its hard to see much real investment in those older technologies.

There has been a lot of recent complaints around the UK's granting of further drilling rights in the North sea for Oil. I think the companies taking those up haven't yet come to terms with the fact there is a good chance those ventures drive their companies to bankruptcy because they wont be competitive as EVs and Solar/Wind take over due to cost savings.

[-] BrightCandle@lemmy.world 47 points 7 months ago

Its not very price competitive now. Its moved into the low end N100 territory with ITX boards and while its smaller and a bit less power its no where near as performant. They will still have some use in smaller applications but 5V x 5A is a chunky cable. I am not convinced this is the way now.

submitted 9 months ago by BrightCandle@lemmy.world to c/collapse@lemmy.ml

Florida’s Miami-Dade County hired a chief heat officer, Jane Gilbert—the first position of its kind in the world.


I don't know if people are aware of the fact that you can see the wholesale price of energy but there are is a website that tracks it.


This clearly shows that wholesale energy prices this year have been lower than they were in 2021. Yet the price of electricity charged to people is much higher now than it was then.

[-] BrightCandle@lemmy.world 61 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

This has been coming for a long time. I have had issues with Linus and his channel for a long time including making a complaint about breach of advertising standards in Canada (which resulted in a change forced by the ASA). They have become the model of how to make money on Youtube but they do so in such an unethical way where they make or invest in competing products that they also review. They have never had any appearance of journalistic standards or integrity, they don't publish errata or corrections and they make a lot of mistakes and the abusive reviews have been going on for a long time.

I am not surprised to find sexual harassment as well as undue pressure being applied in the workplace. It all centres and comes from the Narcissist at the centre of it who has built a media group off the back of civil law breaches repeatedly and continues to push the limits.

Labs was a terrible idea mostly because Linus and his media group will corrupt the results for his personal profit and he and Yvonne are the only ones making big bucks in all this. This has been building for a very long time, the lack of basic morality has been on display since the beginning.

[-] BrightCandle@lemmy.world 151 points 9 months ago

Linus just straight up lied about Billet labs resolution. That alone is horrendous behaviour.

[-] BrightCandle@lemmy.world 52 points 9 months ago

Battery tech exists in a variety of stages. We have been using Li-ion for ages but there are two technologies coming out this year and next which are very much real (from CATL the worlds leader in battery sales) one of which you can buy today.

You can buy Sodium Ion batteries already, search for it on aliexpress and you'll see the cells are for sale and BYD is already selling cars with it in. Its similar power in weight and density as Li-ion but it doesn't catch on fire and its a lot more environmentally friendly. Its good a chance of being the main battery used for home/grid storage and cars and other big battery uses, it also lasts a lot of cycles something like 6000-8000 so it will work for decades and its cheap at $50/KWH (li-ion is more like $130).

The other type is a Li-ion advancement into solid state that is due next year and it doubles the power density. That is probably going to end up in laptops and phones and some high end cars with massive range or smaller/lighter batteries where the increased cost for power density is worth it. Not yet at commercial volumes it is well past the theoretical stage however and very much something that can be manufactured already.

All this battery tech in the lab might very well be in the mix in the future but we don't need them to pan out with Sodium Ion filling that space and quite cheaply due to the abundance of salt. I think for grid storage reflux batteries might see a resurgence for their versatility but it remains to be seen if they become price competitive. Li-ion as we use today is very soon to be replaced thankfully.

[-] BrightCandle@lemmy.world 56 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

Because the economy growing didn't mean people got wealthier. This time the capitol owners took all the benefits for themselves driving mass inequality and the end result is most people getting much poorer.

Economy growth without more equal benefits isn't useful to most people. The people are still in recession.

[-] BrightCandle@lemmy.world 97 points 9 months ago

It's precisely what everyone said would happen. Spez and the Reddit team seem not to realise how important mods and users were to their business! The number of people who will do the thankless task of dealing with the internet's undercurrent of horrendous behaviour are few.

[-] BrightCandle@lemmy.world 46 points 9 months ago

They also appear when you click through the link and look at the Reddit site. They can be editted and deleted. These are not cached search results Reddit is genuinely showing those comments and yet they can not be found in your account that shows you have no comments at all. That is not what is happening here.


I came across today one of my own comments on Reddit with a search on duckduckgo. It was still intact. The problem is I used shreddit to randomise and delete the entire contents of my account. My account comments and posts all show empty on my account pages on reddit so there should be nothing.

I did a site:reddit.com search using my username and found ~50 comments that Reddit has undeleted but also hide from my own account. I could still edit and delete them. Its curious that they don't appear on my accounts content on Reddit and yet a search engine can find them and they are still served by Reddit. Ex Reddit users who deleted their account contents should be aware this is happening and report it as a GDPR breach to their respective agencies if they are in the EU if they too find this has occurred.


Odds are many missed this one season show (a sort of mini series) looking at the progression of climate change and how it will impact peoples lives. Its a sci-fi show of sorts but also a science reality based on known consequences. It is not prematurely ended it is a coherent series telling a story which builds to a proper end with no intention to make it multiple seasons.

I thought it was well done and worth a watch, its on Apple TV+.

submitted 10 months ago by BrightCandle@lemmy.world to c/coffee@lemmy.world

Turns out all the creamers are kind of bad!

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