[-] BobbyNevada@discuss.tchncs.de 1 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

~~Meat~~ Hamberders hanging over an obvious net trap.

[-] BobbyNevada@discuss.tchncs.de 70 points 1 month ago

We should cut the shit then...

[-] BobbyNevada@discuss.tchncs.de 37 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Obviously, she wouldn't cause trouble if her needs were met.

Edit words are hard! Added needs*

[-] BobbyNevada@discuss.tchncs.de 102 points 1 month ago

I would rather spend that money on a local burger joint. Give me a single named joint with a generic paper bag with grease stains on the outside.

[-] BobbyNevada@discuss.tchncs.de 91 points 1 month ago

The only time I was in Boston, my girlfriend and I ran for the subway before the door closed. A guy held the door, I thanked him, and he turned to his friend and said "See, not everyone is a dick, asshole." Or was it "not everyone is an asshole, dick." But it was pretty on brand.

[-] BobbyNevada@discuss.tchncs.de 51 points 1 month ago

Say what you will about the giant bugs and socialist toasters, but they never sold out their own for a percentage.


Kermit's daughter?

Sharing a fried spaghetti sandwich with his amnesia personality.


[-] BobbyNevada@discuss.tchncs.de 83 points 7 months ago

Sal - MO-Nella!

[-] BobbyNevada@discuss.tchncs.de 47 points 7 months ago

It's all fun and games, until you have to explain to a person you are playing chess with, that you just orgasmed because of the vibrating butt plug, you are using to cheat at said chess match.

[-] BobbyNevada@discuss.tchncs.de 94 points 9 months ago

Personally, as an ex employee of la Quinta, all this tracks.

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