[-] BigSadDad@lemmy.world 14 points 1 month ago

"All of these disgusting men use anecdotal evidence to claim they aren't deadbeat scum. To prove it, here's my anecdotal evidence!"

[-] BigSadDad@lemmy.world 1 points 1 month ago


[-] BigSadDad@lemmy.world 0 points 1 month ago

Start with yourself, champ.

[-] BigSadDad@lemmy.world 36 points 2 months ago

It's... not a holiday? It's just a thing people did and sometimes still do.

You sound bitter. Sorry someone tried to have fun around you.

[-] BigSadDad@lemmy.world 76 points 2 months ago

I also quickly stopped reading.

I never really watched Seinfeld. If it was on I saw a few minutes of it.

My problem is saying "you like this thing? Well you're WRONG."

You sound like a narcissistic child who can't fathom the idea that some people like things you don't like. Also this isn't an unpopular opinion. Like, Seinfeld was a huge show 30 years ago. I would imagine a lot of people disliked it for whatever reasons you're ranting about.

[-] BigSadDad@lemmy.world 172 points 2 months ago

Valve's 30% is high, sure. But you're not seeing the total cost of selling a game.

And yes, I've done this before.

Besides the user count, besides all other factors. Digital sales are kinda hard.

You need to offer the actual game. If you're selling an indie game that's a few hundred megs, well you get to go sign up for a service to deliver it. Could be as simple as a google drive link, but because this is business use you get to pay business prices.

Are they charging a flat rate per month, per gig? Per download? Some combinations?

Now there's updates and patches that need to be delivered. Same deal as before, but also now you need to handle the actual patching. Do you ship one big patch that checks for previous patches? Small individual patches that your users have to figure out what one they need?

Does your game have multiplayer? Well damn have fun with that.

What about support and refunds and GDPR stuff? Gotta factor all of that in too.

Now we get to do payment processing. You get to pay a company to accept payments on your behalf because you are NOT doing that yourself you WILL get stuck on inane and silly laws.

That's part of it. Paying steam 3 bucks on my 10 dollar game to handle ALL of that? Yeah that's fair. Could it be cheaper? Sure. a lot of things could. I don't spend months on a game and then cheap out on the most important part: sales.

My time is valuable and worth 30%

[-] BigSadDad@lemmy.world 31 points 3 months ago

Always anchor heavy, tall or easy to climb furniture to a wall. Use either a stud or a drywall anchor. Even if you rent.

The holes are tiny and easy to spackle fill and could save your child, pet or elderly persons life.

Don't be fucking lazy, anchor that dresser.

[-] BigSadDad@lemmy.world 1 points 4 months ago

Cool! Go ahead and let me know! Send me some pics it'll be sweet!

[-] BigSadDad@lemmy.world 6 points 4 months ago

"I choose to do this so everyone who doesn't has a small dick!"

Sorry you have the internal resolution of a toddler. Enjoy your car, I guess.

And by the way: I drive a beater. so don't go thinking about my dick size, please. I don't consent.

[-] BigSadDad@lemmy.world 3 points 4 months ago

Do me a solid. Just go get on a plane to any one of those places. Just step off the plane and just live there. No visas or any other nonsense. You're the smart one and know better. Only 300 bucks to fly! These guys are just dumb.

Go grab a job and just live there.

Have fun, smart guy!

[-] BigSadDad@lemmy.world 3 points 5 months ago

I'm curious. Do you think "educational" being headed up and formulated by a black person would increase scores overall? Just within black children scores?

[-] BigSadDad@lemmy.world 1 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

Run them naturally. How should they act?

Having a set plan for creatures can work fine. But think about how a fight will naturally progress.

Let's take your Goblin encounter as an example.

Against 4 1st level PCs. A fighter, a Cleric, a rogue and a Wizard. classic party. Let's make it a Moderate encounter. So let's have 4 goblin warriors.

First. What's the location and what triggered the encounter? Did the players sneak up on the goblins? We're the goblins waiting and sprung an ambush? Did both parties collide accidentally and it's a mad scramble?

Let's use the goblin ambush. They set a trap and caught the party off guard.

So the first round will be that, say, the Fighter in the front of the party triggered a bear trap that was hiding just under the sandy road. The goblins, after hearing the trap go off, spring up and start lobbing rocks, maybe a alchemist fire they stole off the last mark.

Now the PCs are going to do their thing. At this point, put yourself in the mind of the goblins. They're going to deal with the biggest threat first. Maybe the fighter escaped from the trap and is currently marching his way up to their hiding spot and they're going to surround and beat him down?

Maybe he didn't escape and the wizard is tossing painful spells? What about the Cleric? Is he healing the fighter? And where did the rogue get off to?

With most intelligent enemies, they don't fight to the death. Everyone probably would rather run away and live to fight another day. But if they think there's no way out. Maybe they surrender? Or perhaps your party is effectively or brutally killing allies, so they have no choice but to go all out and use all of their resources.

I guess the way I do it is flip it. The enemies are your characters. Play them thematically and if possible, intelligently. Hell, maybe the PCs obliterate half of your guys in mere seconds and you just high tail it out of there.

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