[-] Aviandelight@mander.xyz 4 points 18 hours ago

My theory on this is we use the imperial weights when describing the size in relation to the jail time associated with getting caught with it and then switch to metric for personal use.

[-] Aviandelight@mander.xyz 3 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

I'm using mine almost exclusively now. My PS4 is dying and I don't want a PS5 so I'm currently buying my favorite games from that system in steam. Occasionally I'll co-op game on the Xbox with my husband and I'll pick up my switch whenever I get the itch to play animal crossing. But truthfully my vision is getting worse as I get older so the steam deck has become my favorite. My only regret is not getting the version with bigger storage. I haven't tried streaming games from my PC yet but that's my only option right now for larger games like Forza.

[-] Aviandelight@mander.xyz 3 points 2 days ago

I agree. The same thing with the words idiot and moron. I find the whole evolution and usage of words to be fascinating.

[-] Aviandelight@mander.xyz 6 points 3 days ago

That is awesome.

[-] Aviandelight@mander.xyz 6 points 3 days ago

I really do think about this from time to time as to why we ever even used this word. I grew up the same as you where we all said it and used it as a replacement word for "ass" in situations where cussing wasn't allowed but you needed a word that hit a bit harder than calling someone stupid. I can't ever remember a time anyone I knew using it as a slur because someone would beat your ass if you got caught bullying anyone disabled. Now that I know that it is offensive I don't use it. But for me it's a bit weird fully relating to the current perception of the word in today's society because I still have mostly positive memories of goofing off with friends associated with it.

[-] Aviandelight@mander.xyz 7 points 4 days ago

Yea this pic was giving me real "Sonny" vibes.

[-] Aviandelight@mander.xyz 2 points 6 days ago

Cool. Yea I saw all of the hardware they're pushing and that's what made me wonder what's going on there. I use professional grade software for work but I'd like to have more professional features for home too without the high cost of entry.

[-] Aviandelight@mander.xyz 20 points 6 days ago

13 years ago I bought my childhood home from my parents. They basically gifted me the down payment and my dad helped me update it. I was exceptionally lucky them and I'd have no chance in hell buying a house now.

[-] Aviandelight@mander.xyz 2 points 6 days ago

Just looked at Resolve and I definitely want to try this out. It almost sounds too good to be true. Anyone here tried it?

[-] Aviandelight@mander.xyz 126 points 1 month ago

There's a good reason anesthesiologists get paid as much as they do. There is no way paramedics get enough training to be granted the ability to use sedation like this. And any tool given to police becomes a weapon. This whole policy is a recipe for disaster.

[-] Aviandelight@mander.xyz 144 points 1 month ago

I really don't understand why streaming business are so surprised. They are providing television for rent and users are renting it plain and simple.They seem to think they are entitled to lengthy subscriptions from users when in reality they aren't providing a service that's even stable or worth it.

[-] Aviandelight@mander.xyz 198 points 7 months ago

I had a very stodgy surgeon and I actually got a laugh out of him. He checked in with me pre surgery and as he was leaving said he would see me in the OR and I was like I hope I don't see you (meaning I hoped the anesthesia worked). No one else got what I meant except for him and he had a genuine chuckle.

It's a sad day (magic.wizards.com)
submitted 8 months ago by Aviandelight@mander.xyz to c/mtg@mtgzone.com

Here's another old picture from my vault. This is one of our Greenbottle blue tarantulas (Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens). We spent the day watching this little guy molt from start to finish and took pictures of the whole process. You can see in this picture that he is laid out on his back on his molting malt. At this stage he has split from the carapace lengthwise down the sides and is currently pulling his legs out of the molt. We had two at the time and wanted to breed them but they both turned out to males.

Paco (mander.xyz)

Here's a pic of my favorite little guy and one the only good pictures I've ever taken. Unfortunately he turned out to be a male so I didn't have him too long but he was a great tarantula to keep.

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