[-] AnotherDirtyAnglo@lemmy.ca 2 points 1 hour ago

Yeah, because students... THEY'RE the ones with all the money.

[-] AnotherDirtyAnglo@lemmy.ca 2 points 6 hours ago

Yup, first thought was, "Then I guess you'd better pay the mechanics what they're asking for, fuckers."

[-] AnotherDirtyAnglo@lemmy.ca 1 points 1 day ago

Yup, haven't voted liberal since he bathed in the applause of thousands, then flipped us all the bird when he got into office.

[-] AnotherDirtyAnglo@lemmy.ca 35 points 1 month ago

Heh. After Dad died, my Mom shacked up with a guy we met while Dad was in the hospital. He went to the same high school as me, the same year I did. He's lazy, broke, bipolar and unmedicated by choice - and a rabid far-right conspiracy theorist... So technically, she's supporting an adult child.

I'm doing just fine, thanks. :D

[-] AnotherDirtyAnglo@lemmy.ca 41 points 3 months ago

Wow, this sounds just like a Conservative rant about how dirty and evil and bad cities are, written to be consumed by folks from the burbs who haven't been downtown for 25+ years.

What? NatPo is owned by an American hedge fund? Quelle surprise.

[-] AnotherDirtyAnglo@lemmy.ca 28 points 4 months ago

Yes... Let's re-open this bucket of bullshit. When they left for Ottawa, they had a written declaration and were planning on overthrowing the democratically elected government with some ridiculously ignorant idea for dissolving parliament and placing themselves in control.

This is too stupid to not be plain old grift.

[-] AnotherDirtyAnglo@lemmy.ca 26 points 6 months ago

Keep voting against your own interests, and keep reaping the rewards, Alberta!

[-] AnotherDirtyAnglo@lemmy.ca 26 points 6 months ago

Then their margins must be razor thin... Executive compensation really low...

Annnnnnd a quick check of their annual reports demonstrates that they are quite literally full of shit.

[-] AnotherDirtyAnglo@lemmy.ca 23 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

I'd argue that Russia harms more Ukrainians. And that failing to humble Russia will hurt more Europeans.

[-] AnotherDirtyAnglo@lemmy.ca 22 points 7 months ago

You don't have to increase it 10 fold, that just creates an overnight black market.

Banning sales to people born after a specific date is just as good a solution as any. If you want go full retar-, er, libertarian on it, let people grow their own, but forbid sales/distribution.

There is no upside to cigarettes -- it's the leading cause of lung cancer and a dozen other diseases that cost our health care system billions in each province, every year. The only people who will complain will be the companies who make billions in profit from human addiction, misery, and death.

[-] AnotherDirtyAnglo@lemmy.ca 27 points 7 months ago

Danielle Smith: Letting 5 year olds decide what's for dinner and when to go to bed.

[-] AnotherDirtyAnglo@lemmy.ca 33 points 7 months ago

And kids don't want to eat their vegetables or go to bed on time... Sometimes people need to be encouraged to do the thing they don't want to do, but is only in their best interest.

The stupidest part of this whole thing is now easy it would be to set up in a way that people could accept...

Levy a small carbon tax, nation wide, on all energy, for all users. The carbon tax goes into a fund, which is re-distributed to encourage the right behaviour:

  • Improve / expand public transit
  • Fund energy-efficiency retrofits
  • Subsidize green power initiatives
  • Rebates on zero-emission transport like electric bikes, and compact electric cars
  • Retrain existing oil & gas industry workers to install/maintain electric infrastructure
  • Cash for Clunkers to get polluting vehicles off the road
  • Build new, ultra-energy efficient homes based on an improved building code
  • Tax rebates to everyone in the lowest tax brackets.

Please, steal this idea.

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by AnotherDirtyAnglo@lemmy.ca to c/montreal@lemmy.ca

I used to make this offer each year in November/December on the old alien site before they lost their minds and I deleted everything and left. Over the past decade, I've digitized 100+ hours of video, and close to 1000 photos.

I can digitize the following formats:

  • 35mm negative / slides / négatif / diapositif
  • 8mm film (8mm & Super 8) (without audio)
  • VHS-C "compact" video tape (not full size VHS)
  • MiniDV video (not HD... yet)
  • 8mm Videocassette ("Sony" 8mm / Hi8 / Digital 8)
  • Audio cassettes

Reasonable limits apply - one of:

  • Up to 80 frames of 35mm negatives / slides (2-3 "rolls")
  • Up to 5 reels 8mm film
  • Up to 5 VHS-C videotapes
  • Up to 5 MiniDV cassettes
  • Up to 5 8mm videocassettes

... or some reasonable mix of each.

Output is in JPEG or MPEG4 format. For MiniDV/Digital8, I can provide the original .dv files, but they're gigantic - 20+GB/hr. 35mm slides/negatives are usually returned in plastic sheets suitable for storage in a binder.

Turnaround time is usually 72 hours.

Process: Pack up your media in a box, include your ID on Lemmy on a piece of paper, a USB stick for storage (about 1GB per hour of video). Drop off at my office in St. Henri, and pick it up in the same place a few days later.

People often ask why I do this. Freeing cherished memories from old media is a hobby of mine, I don't do this for a living, but I've accumulated a lot of equipment over the last 10 years of doing this.

EDIT: Formatting.

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joined 7 months ago