[-] AlecSadler@sh.itjust.works 26 points 19 hours ago

Still better than Jerry Seinfeld.

[-] AlecSadler@sh.itjust.works 18 points 5 days ago

I feel like if I had an inner voice I'd get super annoyed at it.

[-] AlecSadler@sh.itjust.works 82 points 1 month ago

I knew a guy in college who had to do this, he had a degenerative eye disease or something that no amount of glasses, hard contacts, or whatever could fix. It seemed like it royally sucked, but he always seemed in good spirits.

Except I vaguely recall he impaled his own leg on a sharp branch while jogging because he couldn't see it. That would suck.

[-] AlecSadler@sh.itjust.works 61 points 2 months ago

I've averaged ~12 job hops in the last 6 years and I wouldn't change a thing. Compensation growth has been roughly 6.05x. The previous 6 years was...maybe 3? And maybe 2x.

I owe the big corps nothing. I meet expectations and deliverables and I support my team however I can, but that's about it.

[-] AlecSadler@sh.itjust.works 110 points 3 months ago

My now wife didn't really like cats when I met her and was allergic to the point of the hair giving her little welts.

Fast forward a couple few years and she loves my cat and just ends up taking allergy pills every day and dealing with the itching.

Fast forward a few more years when that cat dies and she says she doesn't think we can ever replace him.

Fast forward one month and she comes home with a flyer for a rescue cat she wants to adopt.

And we did and she couldn't be happier.

[-] AlecSadler@sh.itjust.works 96 points 4 months ago

My wife and I started living together after 3 months, talking marriage at 6, and formally engaged at 9 months. We've been married over 6 years now.

I don't have time for high school nonsense. I'm not going to burn 1+ years of my life on a "maybe". The older I get, the better I learn what I want and don't want.

We both had similar goals, or rather, goals that we could grow in together and not go separate ways. We had a shared sense of humor. My weaknesses were her strengths and vice versa. And we have activities we love doing together and things we love doing alone. It's fucking great.

[-] AlecSadler@sh.itjust.works 90 points 6 months ago

EV competition can't come fast enough. I love my Model S, but when the lease is up I am not buying another Tesla unless the board removes him, like, completely removes him. No stock, no continued royalties or pay out, I want him gone.

What a piece of shit waste of a human.

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by AlecSadler@sh.itjust.works to c/googlepixel@lemmy.world

Is this the right community for this?

Had my Pixel Watch 2 since October 13th, been wearing it regularly since then, daily HR data is visible on the watch, but only Oct 13, 18, 19, and 22 will sync on the app.

I've tried clearing cache on both ends, issuing a manual sync multiple ways, force closing, removing updates and adding them back, directly viewing specific days in other areas of the app to maybe force an update, uninstall/reinstall, re-pair, etc.

The data still shows on watch but won't sync to the phone.

Is this normal? What am I missing?

edit: So if I uninstall the Fitbit app and reinstall it each day, it seems to sync that day so far. But won't if I don't. Kind of annoying but it'll suffice for now...

edit 2: never mind, that only worked once...I jumped the gun.

edit 3: I factory reset everything, created a brand new Fitbit account, etc. and it still isn't syncing HR data. The watch also only lasted 5.5 hours off the charger today with always on and location off. I'm honestly kind of bummed, I really like the size, but I'm likely going back to my previous smartwatch unless this magically starts working well in a couple days. I tried contacting support and was basically just told to do everything I've already done, so that's fun.

[-] AlecSadler@sh.itjust.works 50 points 7 months ago

I...can't actually tell if he'd make a better duck or lemonade stand character.

[-] AlecSadler@sh.itjust.works 136 points 7 months ago

Wow. I mean, correct me if I'm wrong, but I feel like Ford's future is going to be a struggle.

You can't simultaneously be late to a growing market, back out of a growing market, and refuse to invest in a growing market and hope to succeed...can you?

[-] AlecSadler@sh.itjust.works 58 points 8 months ago

Controversial opinion, I hate Bill Maher. He seems like a giant, egotistical tool that screams tryhard.

submitted 8 months ago by AlecSadler@sh.itjust.works to c/signal@lemmy.ml

Will Signal ever support this? If not, is there a recommended alternative that is equally secure and does?

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