[-] AeonFelis@lemmy.world 70 points 22 hours ago

Don't boast about "defeating pride" in your engagement photo unless you had to wrestle lions to get her to say yes.

[-] AeonFelis@lemmy.world 8 points 1 day ago

Windows uses AI to determine what's best for you. GNOME just decides it generally in advance.

[-] AeonFelis@lemmy.world 3 points 1 day ago

What would be the right tool for the job of keeping 7k tabs open?

[-] AeonFelis@lemmy.world 5 points 2 days ago

Now… Could they pass a lie detector for “do you promise you would never pay for your mistress to fly out of state for an abortion?“

They probably will, but when the time come they'll manage to come up with the perfect excuse why their case is special and deserves an exemption.

[-] AeonFelis@lemmy.world 36 points 2 days ago

Swords clash with other swords. Swords were always gay.

[-] AeonFelis@lemmy.world 37 points 3 days ago

Come on! This is 2024! At least pipe it through an LLM to get a different phrasing for each post...

[-] AeonFelis@lemmy.world 8 points 3 days ago

Can they do an horse funeral on a Tuesday? It's not clear from the text.

[-] AeonFelis@lemmy.world 9 points 3 days ago

This is Rust. You don't need a safe word - safe is the default. You need an unsafe word instead.

[-] AeonFelis@lemmy.world 16 points 3 days ago

TBH this is quite mild on the Trump scale...

[-] AeonFelis@lemmy.world 14 points 4 days ago

Jokes like this are why people say the word "Nazi" has lost its meaning.

[-] AeonFelis@lemmy.world 52 points 4 days ago

The text of the Ten Commandments ... shall be printed in a large, easily readable font.

Comic Sans it is.

submitted 10 months ago by AeonFelis@lemmy.world to c/twitter@lemmy.world

Encountering one of these embedded tweets in a blog post, my hand instinctively moved to click the X and close it. That took me to the website.

Could this be a clever ruse to generate more visits? Is Elon Musk actually more cunning than we give him credit?


Narrative scripting languages like Yarn Spinner or Inkle were originally meant for writing dialogue, but I think they can also be used for scripting the world progression even when no dialogue or even narration is involved.

Example for something silent that can be scripted with a narrative scripting language:

  1. When the player pulls a lever...
  2. Move the camera to show a certain gate
  3. Open the gate
  4. Move the camera to show something interesting behind the gate
  5. Return the camera to the player

Even though no text nor voice are involved here, I think a narrative language will still fit better than a traditional scripting language because:

  • Narrative languages describe everything in steps. Scripting languages will need to work a bit harder to generate steps the actual game engine can use.
  • Narrative languages have visual editor that can help showing the flow of the level as nodes.
  • The interface between a narrative language and the game engine tends to be seems to tend to be higher level (and less powerful) than the one with a traditional scripting language.

On the other hand, flow control seems a bit more crude and ugly with narrative scripting languages than with traditional scripting languages. It should probably still be fine for simple things (e.g. - player activates a keyhole. Do they have the key?), but I wonder if a game can reach a point where it becomes too complex for a narrative language (I'm still talking about simple world progression, not full blown modding)

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