[-] Addv4@lemmy.world 1 points 15 hours ago

thank Mr skeletal

[-] Addv4@lemmy.world -1 points 1 day ago

Yeah, but even then they are loosing money on every van they make for them. It's mostly R&D, but still.

[-] Addv4@lemmy.world 4 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

Plus when the ADA was founded, the only way they could get it to actually pass was to effectively let pharmaceutical companies set their own prices. Which as we can see, did not end well.

[-] Addv4@lemmy.world 5 points 3 days ago

Or a crocodile.

[-] Addv4@lemmy.world 0 points 4 days ago

That they aren't being properly maintained/funded? It looks like a bunch of the bridges that are having issues are mostly due to age.

[-] Addv4@lemmy.world 87 points 2 weeks ago

Raspberry pi foundation was launched as a charity, and the end goal was to produce a ton of very cheap computers to help children learn about programming. Since then, it has been soo ubiquitous for embedded stuff that for the last couple of years they have basically become unaffordable for the very audience they were intended for. Now they are seeking an ipo because they are used in everything, except as cheap computers for children.

[-] Addv4@lemmy.world 35 points 1 month ago

The irony is that this is often true. I have always preferred shirts that have minimal advertising on them (preferably none, but a dime sized insignia is generally the best you get) but they are notably harder to find and when you do, they are more expensive. The happy medium I have found is looking for used Polo type shirts that were expensive when new, which I can generally find cheaply because collars aren't a popular look these days.

[-] Addv4@lemmy.world 61 points 1 month ago

The biggest surprise is fallout 76. I thought it was universally disliked? Is it the fallout TV show causing it?

[-] Addv4@lemmy.world 138 points 2 months ago

Honestly it's better than just having a generic name which they apply over several generations, with the only difference being the year at the end (which they might forget to add on some listing's). So long as it has a simple way to find the size and resolution from the model id, the rest can be kinda funky as long as I can Google it.

[-] Addv4@lemmy.world 34 points 2 months ago

Not joking, I saw a couple of excerpts from the speech shortly on here, and thought it was just a meme. Didn't even realize it was real until the next day when I saw the clip of him saying it. Just originally thought it was just too dumb to say, even for Trump.

[-] Addv4@lemmy.world 51 points 2 months ago

Oh, that's awful, where are the places that they are that cheap in the US, so I can totally not buy them there?

[-] Addv4@lemmy.world 62 points 3 months ago

Diversity, Equality, and Inclusiveness is what I think DEI meant. Correct me if wrong, took me a minute to figure out what the tweet was actually implying.

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