[-] Action_Bastid@lemmy.world 31 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Yup, although the downside is that your posting style definitely shows off that you're a Mastodon user.

Your use of the @ tag, the hashtag are all markers of a more Twitter-like user experience, and it makes you post stand out somewhat oddly for those using one of the lemmy instances. Either way, it's really neat to be able to cross between those, since I vastly prefer the Lemmy UX as opposed to Mastodon's, but I can still get a Mastodon's content!

[-] Action_Bastid@lemmy.world 31 points 11 months ago

I mean, he's dead, so bit late for that.

[-] Action_Bastid@lemmy.world 53 points 11 months ago

"Waaah, our gerrymander failed! This is so unfair, it was supposed to be used to suppress black voters! Not white voters! We want all our white people back, since they failed to properly police the black people like we had hoped!"

[-] Action_Bastid@lemmy.world 31 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

As someone who helped to generate those types of answers and then deleted them all.

Fuck Reddit, they didn't pay me for that work and then they dicked me over in chase of a half penny. Sorry the rest of the world doesn't get to use my work for free, but Reddit broke the agreement. I post content, they provide a good user experience. They failed their end, I rescinded mine.

[-] Action_Bastid@lemmy.world 21 points 11 months ago

No, it's just a matter of who they accept as legitimate "authority".

If the Dumbass-in-Chief, their ministers, and their news had all told them to wear masks, they absolutely would have, but every single one of their primary authority sources were pulling in different directions and they don't accept any "liberal" sources as legitimate authority. You can see it at a much smaller scale by looking at Church congregation sizes where some ministries focused on trying to protect their elderly and infirm members and those who didn't.

Conservatives who had pastors who told them to wear masks were a LOT more likely to do so than ones who were getting mixed messaging.

[-] Action_Bastid@lemmy.world 62 points 11 months ago

I've already had several non-tech people say something along the lines of "What the heck is this X thing on my phone?"

I gotta wonder how many other people are just impulse uninstalling something they don't recognize off their phone as well, since ol' Musky boi did this with basically zero user notice as well.

[-] Action_Bastid@lemmy.world 44 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

I'd wager they're attempting to replicate or integrate tools developed by the open source community or which got revealed by Meta's leak of Llama source code. The problem is, all of those were largely built on the back of Meta's work or were cludged together solutions made by OSS nerds who banged something together into a specific use case, often without many of the protections that would be required by a company who might be liable for the results of their software since they want to monetize it.

Now, the problem is that Meta's Llama source code is not based on GPT-4. GPT-4 is having to reverse engineer a lot of those useful traits and tools and retrofit it into their pre-existing code. They're obviously hitting technical hurdles somewhere in that process, but I couldn't say exactly where or why.

[-] Action_Bastid@lemmy.world 138 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

I'm not terribly surprised. A lot of the major leaps we're seeing now came out of open source development after leaked builds got out. There were all sorts of articles flying around at the time about employees from various AI-focused company saying that they were seeing people solving in hours or days issues they had been attempting to fix for months.

Then they all freaked the fuck out and it might mean they would lose the AI race and locked down their repos tight as Fort Knox, completely ignoring the fact that a lot of them were barely making ground at all while they kept everything locked up.

Seems like the simple fact of the matter is that they need more eyes and hands on the tech, but nobody wants to do that because they're all afraid their competitors will benefit more than they will.

[-] Action_Bastid@lemmy.world 25 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Meta provides a lot of other backend B2B services beyond just Facebook, Instagram, and Threads.

You think that's the only way they have of scarfing down data? Absolutely not, they make other useful tools as well that businesses can use, because if they can't get their info directly from you, they can get it from the people you have to regularly interact with instead.

[-] Action_Bastid@lemmy.world 71 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Swear this happens every year. Someone either gets gored by a bison or tries to go swimming in a geothermal pool and gets boiled alive and then dissolved.

Some people just do not grasp the concept of National Parks. They're not zoos or amusement parks. The things in here can and will kill you and there is almost nothing in the way stopping you from committing suicide in a horribly painful fashion.

[-] Action_Bastid@lemmy.world 18 points 11 months ago

The forum Something Awful has had public ban notices for age, with a page listing banned or suspended users, the post they were banned for and usually a snarky joke from one of the mods. It actually ends up creating a fun atmosphere where people can get essentially "Go touch grass" moments that everyone can giggle about when it's not that bad and it's always hilarious watching some cesspit of a human being get absolutely fucking dumpstered in very public fashion.

That said, I don't think it would work nearly as well without their registration fee creating a barrier to entry.

[-] Action_Bastid@lemmy.world 32 points 11 months ago

Cause they were annoying as shit, and only a small class of users even liked them in the first place.

Back in the 90s, a lot of forums would also ban your ass if you had an obnoxious signature to boot.


Just wanted to check before I decided to hop into this space whether the anti-capitalism stance of the community extends to being anti-market economic system (as contrasted with a command economy) as well.


Looking for some cool, smaller youtube channels to watch. Anyone got suggestions for anything cool? I especially enjoy stuff related to food or farming.


Gale force winds and heavy rains are lashing coastal areas of north-west India and southern Pakistan as a fierce cyclone makes landfall.

More than 170,000 people have been evacuated so far.

Forecasters have warned that Cyclone Biparjoy - which means "disaster" in Bengali - could destroy homes and crops in its path.

The landfall process has started and could go on till midnight local time.

The cyclone is set to hit the coast near the Jakhau port, between Mandvi in Gujarat and Keti Bandar in Pakistan's Sindh province.

Pakistan's disaster management agency has warned of storm surges as high as 3-4m (10-13ft) along the coastline from Karachi to Gujarat.

Alok Pandey, the official in charge of relief operations in Gujarat, said earlier on Thursday that the cyclone's intensity had reduced but that wind speeds were still expected to be at "very dangerous" levels of around 110-125 km/h at the time of landfall.

Continued in the link....


Aeschylus-stan-account: I hate it when I'm trying to look up a good golem recipe and the rabbi prefaces it with ten paragraphs about his life in 17th-century Prague. Like, I feel for you, Maharal, but there anti-semites going unsuplexed while I'm searching for the ingredient list


So, there are some things that most people do, playing games, watching movies or television, playing music. So let's get specific.

What are some of your favorite things to do with your time? The more hyper specific the better?


Barbs continue to fly as the Kenyan National Assembly continues to hash out the specifics of the 2023 finance bill.

A reduction in house levy from 3% to 1.5%, but an 8% VAT increase on fuel, from 8% to 16% are two current points of contention.

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