
joined 3 months ago
[–] 1 points 3 weeks ago

So the Illuminati created Pluto as a distraction from Autism.

That makes sense.

[–] 11 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) (14 children)

No you do not.

You don't want an incredibly tired person prescribing treatment for you or, worse, operating on you, unless you have some kind of death wish.

You want a proper call rota with the doctor "on call" and only the doctor "on call" to have their work phone ON and be available during their on-call hours.

That idea of yours would be perfectly fine if it was just you, but it isn't: it's you and all other people who think like you (or if they start by not thinking like you, they'll change their minds when they see others who do think like that get prompt service whilst they themselves do they not).

That logic just leads to people who if they make a mistake can kill you or give you a problem for life (by prescribing your the wrong medicine or, worse, cutting the wrong thing whilst operating) being very tired and hence way more likely to make mistakes.

Having a single professional having to be on call 24/7 is very much a Tragedy Of The Commons situation - fine if only one or two people used that availability only for very urgent problems, a disgrace for everybody when lots of people innevitably use that availability for any shitty shit little thing.

[–] 28 points 3 weeks ago (11 children)

I've been activelly managing my mobile phone pretty much like that since the 90s because after getting my first mobile phone I quickly figured out that if allowed to the thing just turned into a source of near-constant urgent non-essential alerts, in other words, unnecessary stress.

Decades ago, I learned about the whole 4 quadrants thing in management:

You're supposed to work mostly in the "Important Non-Urgent" quadrant as much as possible and mobile phones if not properly managed constantly pull you to the "Not Important, Not Urgent" which is the worst quadrant to be working in.

In this perspective the problem with mobile phones (and e-mail also to a great extent have a similar problem) is that all notifications/calls look equally important from the outside, so you have to stop doing what you're doing to check them because they might actually be stuff from the "Important and Urgent" quadrant, but unless you tightly manage it, most of them are not, not least because, if you push back on it hard the people who constantly work in the "Non-Important, Non-Urgent" quadrant (i.e. those who are bad at managing their own time) will make that your problem too.

So what do I do to manage it so that my phone is not a source of stress:

  • Calls to my phone for work subjects outside work always (this is important) get a "I'll talk to you when I'm back at work". You have to inflexibly refuse to handle work stuff outside work otherwise the number of work calls will just creep up. Also do it from the very start of a new job: your work colleagues need to be trained to expect that from you and you need to provide them with an actual positive out (i.e. "I'll talk to you when I'm back at work" and actually do it). If an employer needs you to provided out of hours support, that has to be in the contract and there has to be a work phone just for that which will be ON during the hours contracted for that and OFF otherwise.
  • Call to my phone for work subjects during work time get triaged and non-urgent or non-important stuff get's back a "I'm busy now, I'll talk to you about this when I have the time" if I indeed have something more important or urgent on the plate. Again, train your colleagues to expect that if they call you with non-urgent or non-important stuff there you will not be giving them that sweet feeling of having dumped the problem on somebody else - the objective here is not to "deny service", it's to as much as possible have other people do the triaging for you so that you're only interrupted by things which are worth it.
  • E-mail is for non-urgent stuff: when I have the time I'll look into it. On my phone E-mail arrival notifications will be turned off. Again, work colleagues need to be trained by you to expect exactly that from you. Be organised yourself and have regular "check e-mail" times - this is part of getting other people do the triaging for you.
  • All application notifications default to OFF. Very few ever get turned ON and if they abuse it they get turned OFF on the settings. The sending of a notification by an application is a choice of whomever is the maker of the app, hence follows their choices and generally serves their purposes, which means that most application notifications are in some way or another a marketing choice, either directly some kind of sales pitch or indirectly to "remind you of that app", which means they're most definitelly neither urgent nor important. Only a handfull of applications deserve to have notification enabled IMHO, and sometimes even some of those abuse that and stop deservings it.

TL;DR - Triage things so that you're as much as possible spend your time doing Important Non-Urgent things (You go after the non-urgent to reduce the number of things that through doing nothing about it whilst they're not urgent, go from potential problem into "Oh, shit everything is burning!"). Activelly segregate contact channels based on the triaged level of subjects. Train your colleagues from the start to expect just that (i.e. that e-mails don't promptly get responded) and always push back from the start against misuse of contact channels (i.e. non-urgent non-important stuff coming via phone gets a response along the lines of "I'm busy with more important stuff, so send me an e-mail about that and I'll look into it when I have the time"), so that essentially other people will be triaging that stuff for you before they even contact you. As for smartphone Apps, by default assume that notification sending is driven by Marketing considerations of the maker of that app and hence are neither important nor urgent (personally I default to notifications OFF for most apps).

[–] 4 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

In between the end of the Soviet Union and them signing the Budapest Memorandum and giving the nukes from the ex-Soviet Union that were in their territory to Russia, there was definitelly a period during which the sovereign nation of Ukraine had nukes under their control.

[–] 25 points 3 weeks ago

Zionists trying to kill members of the ethnicity they claim to represent for "not being White enough".

It's the natural evolution of all Nazi-like white supremacist movements.

[–] 29 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) (16 children)

Like all for all other Nazi-style movements, Zionists are going into the next stage of ethno-Fascism: the part were the Zionists start killing other members of the ethnicity they claim to represent for "not being White enough".

(Just go check how they treat Ethiopian Jews is Israel if you have any doubt that they're a white supremacist movement)

[–] 1 points 3 weeks ago

It's funny that District 9 is one of my favorite films and yeah, I also felt both that it was very much a comment on Apartheid and was pleasantly surprised with the quality of their production values and their cast.

Yeah, I guess that if the purpose is for Americans to "see themselves through the eyes of Jesus" then said film with the return of Christ would have to be set in America.

[–] 1 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) (2 children)

Nah, he would have been seen as Arabic and thus be labelled as a Muslim, being even more intenselly and more widelly hated in the US than if he had been deemed a Black man.

Also in terms of probability he would've probably 'return' to somewhere in Asia or Africa since there's were most of the population is nowadays.

[–] 3 points 3 weeks ago

In all fairness, most men named Jesus they would come across are either Mexican or have Mexican ancestry.

[–] 3 points 3 weeks ago

"I love babies: they're great roasted with small potatoes" - some baddie in one of the original Mad Max films.

[–] 11 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

There are countries (such as the UK) were one of the main pathways for Tax Evasion for very rich people is to make a Charity or Foundation (in the UK case, you register it on one of the Channel Islands tax havens) to which one gifts the entirety of one's income (the way it works for tax evasion in the UK is that the entire tax on the money given to said Charity or Foundation is sent to them by the UK State) and then that Charity or Foundation pays for all your living expenses.

Even better, such a scheme also works for evading Inheritance Tax - you just have to change who the controlling board member of said "Charity" or "Foundation" is and now the control of all that money is in the hands of the descendant(s), tax free even if the amount is high enough that inheritance tax would be due (so, for very rich people).

But that's not even the most special part. The most special part is when some people who uses such tax evasion schemes boast very publicly that "I give all my money to Charity", since most of the public aren't aware of this scheme.

[–] 19 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

When human and social situations are interpreted in simplistic one-size-fits-all ways by people who have linked such interpretation to being a member of a "political side", their takes are not really about what's best for the people involved, even when they claim otherwise.

There really isn't any "one size fits all" approach for most human subjects, specially something as socially significant as gender is in most societies.

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