The Department for Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA) has confirmed the positive results for highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) or bird flu.

A DAERA spokesperson said: "HPAI has now also been detected in two fox cubs along with wild birds in the Portrush area. While this is the first time mammals have been confirmed as having influenza of an avian strain in Northern Ireland, it is not unexpected. There have been findings of AI in mammals over recent months across Europe, Great Britain, and the Republic of Ireland."


Avian influenza has been identified in a New York City live bird market, the nation’s first outbreak in domestic poultry since May.

Some 660 birds were at the Brooklyn market, according to USDA.

All 12 species at the market, including guineas, Muscovy ducks, silkies and red fowl, tested positive for avian influenza. Chukars did not have an H5 strain of the pathogen, the Pennsylvania Ag Department told industry stakeholders.

(Article continues.)



This spring, Runstadler and colleagues published a study in Emerging Infectious Diseases reporting H5N1 virus spillover into New England harbor and gray seals found stranded off the coast of Maine in June and July of 2022. The data did not support seal-to-seal transmission as the main route of infection, and Runstadler and his coauthors concluded that the seals were likely infected “through environmental transmission of shed virus.”

More recently, Peru reported nearly 3500 dead sea lions affected by avian influenza off the country’s coast this March. And in May, Chile reported the deaths of 9420 marine mammals infected with the virus, including more than 8000 sea lions and more than 1000 Humboldt penguins.

“For the most part, I think this is still bird to mammal [transmission], but it is very difficult to discern in the short-term,” Runstadler wrote in his email. “The number of different marine mammal infections is cause for concern,” he added, “and certainly if we detected sustained die-off or transmission in these hosts, it would be of greater concern.”


Finland's Food Authority today reported H5N1 on two more fur farms, both housing foxes, as Norway and Germany reported virus detections in mammals.

The two new fur farm outbreaks occurred in earlier-affected areas and raise the number of outbreaks to 14. One of the new detections was at a facility that raises blue foxes, and the other was as a farm housing blue fox and cross fox, a variant of red fox that has a black stripe running down the back.

Elsewhere, Norway reported the virus in a red fox pup found dead in late June under a house in the city of Tromso in the northern part of the country, according to a notification from the World Organization for Animal Health (WOAH).

In Germany, government officials from Schleswig-Holstein state today reported said tests on a seal found dead at a seal station in the Wadden Sea were positive for H5N1, according to a statement translated and posted by Avian Flu Diary, an infectious disease news blog. The testing was conducted by the Friedrich Loeffler Institute. Schleswig-Holstein state is located in far northern Germany.

(Article continues.)


July 2023 (PAHO/WHO)—In January this year, the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) warned about outbreaks of highly pathogenic avian influenza in birds in countries of the Americas. For the first time, a human case of avian influenza A (H5N1) was also confirmed in a Latin American country. Since then, 16 countries have reported cases in birds and other animals and, until the first week of July 2023, two countries have confirmed human infections.


A cat shelter in South Korea has been put under quarantine after two of the felines tested positive for H5N1 bird flu in the capital city of Seoul.

The South Korean Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs said in a statement on Tuesday that this was the first time that this bird flu had been detected in cats in the country since 2016, as reported by Reuters.

The positive-testing cats were two of 38 cats that had recently died at the same shelter. Workers at the shelter are being monitored, although none are exhibiting symptoms of the condition.

[-] 70ms@lemmy.sdf.org 18 points 10 months ago

It's basically a mirror of his campaign.


Outbreaks of H5N1 influenza among cats and farmed mink are stoking fears about a human pandemic. But scientists increasingly understand what a pandemic flu virus might look like, aiding efforts to keep us safe.


Translated excerpt:

It has been confirmed that 38 cats have been killed in a group due to bird influenza in Korea.

It is the first time in Korea that a cat has been collectively decommissioned by avian influenza, and it is the second time in the world.

40 cats were being protected at a private cat shelter in Seoul, and from the 24th of last month, 38 cats began to die from high fever and anorexia, and 38 cats died in a month.

Professor Dae-seop Song's research team from the Department of Investigating at Seoul National University investigated and it was confirmed to be H5N1 avian influenza.


Millions of wild birds may have died from bird flu globally in the latest outbreak, researchers have said, as the viral disease ravages South America, with 200,000 deaths recorded in Peru alone.

The highly infectious variant of H5N1, which gained momentum in the winter of 2021, caused Europe’s worst bird flu outbreak before spreading globally. The disease reached South America in November 2022, and has now been reported on every continent except Oceania and Antarctica.


...As recently as October 2022, there were disturbing reports of sustained transmission of the panzootic, highly pathogenic avian influenza (H5N1) at a Spanish mink farm (11). At least one mammalian adaptation in the virus polymerase emerged in the mink during this outbreak; in all likelihood, we narrowly escaped a larger disaster, as the incident appears to have been contained.


It took a while, but it's back and flourishing. 😍 I'll give it another year or so and then start working on ramification and creating a canopy. I traded a cactus nursery a bunch of seeds from my euphorbia obesa pair for it in Feb '21 and it's grown so much!


[-] 70ms@lemmy.sdf.org 32 points 10 months ago

We have very elderly mothers, and sisters with cancer, so my family still masks. I smile at people all the time, they smile back, everyone goes away feeling good. I don't understand how some people get so worked up over masks. 🤦‍♀️

[-] 70ms@lemmy.sdf.org 13 points 10 months ago

Covid is still around. It never went away, and it's still killing people every day.


In the last two years, more than half a billion birds have died globally. The cause isn’t deforestation or climate change or the destruction of grasslands — all of which are contributing to the precipitous decline of wild birds — but avian influenza, i.e., bird flu.

(Article continues.)

[-] 70ms@lemmy.sdf.org 24 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

I'm not a dude, but I think guys should embrace the purse( or manbag if you prefer). I love carrying all my shit with me.

[-] 70ms@lemmy.sdf.org 18 points 10 months ago

Upvoted for visibility! 🤪

[-] 70ms@lemmy.sdf.org 22 points 11 months ago

YES, please god oh yes. :( Also doorbells in TV ads. I have 3 dogs and it always sets them off. I don't even know how the fuck they know what a doorbell is because almost no one uses ours, lol.

[-] 70ms@lemmy.sdf.org 12 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

I started a community to track the H5N1 global outbreak but I do NOT want to moderate it long term; if it picks up, the anti-vax/Plandemic people are going to start showing up (they already do sometimes in the subreddit for it). I feel like opening the doors to Threads is going to hasten that.

[-] 70ms@lemmy.sdf.org 29 points 11 months ago

Oh, bullshit. 🙄 Stop letting people manipulate you into believing things that aren't true. You're being the perfect tool for the people who are trying to undermine education in this country by spreading their lies and propaganda. Is that who you want to be? A gullible tool?

[-] 70ms@lemmy.sdf.org 11 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Me either, so I started a community for a subject I'm interested in and follow on reddit and I'm populating it with new content as the news comes in so new people can catch up. Be the change you want to see. Interact with that content and post more of it. Don't just complain that it's not being fed to you.

ETA: I might add that I have no intention whatsoever of moderating that community in the long term. If/when Lemmy grows, if that community picks up, I'll be looking for someone to take it over.

[-] 70ms@lemmy.sdf.org 20 points 11 months ago

And all of the rage bait posts too (including in those subs).

[-] 70ms@lemmy.sdf.org 17 points 11 months ago

Look, I'm a huge Aliens fan. I even own a 3-sheet poster from Alien. I have minis from the tabletop RPG, comics, etc. etc.

I've only seen Alien: Resurrection once, in the theater, and never again. I hated the Alien with its human skin and stuff. Hated it SO much.

And now it looks like they're gonna do that again? 😭

[-] 70ms@lemmy.sdf.org 97 points 11 months ago

Between him and Spez, they've done a great job. 😂

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