submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by 001100010010@lemmy.dbzer0.com to c/fediverse@lemmy.world

I clicked on a link to the comment, then I keep pressing "show context" to see the comment one level higher, then I get hit with this screen...

Kinda reminds me of that news story where one person accidentally shut down the internet of an entire country...

[-] 001100010010@lemmy.dbzer0.com 162 points 10 months ago

You have been banned from lemmygrad.ml

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by 001100010010@lemmy.dbzer0.com to c/nostupidquestions@lemmy.world

Like... what do cats think of their humans?

"Lol this stupid human feeds me for no reason"


"This human feels like my mother"

"This human is a great friend"

or something else?

[-] 001100010010@lemmy.dbzer0.com 90 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Can't relate. It's 20231231 for me.

Edit: Also this format is superior for file sorting. All files are chronological.

In your time format: 010124 goes before 123123.

You could have 4 files dated: January 01, 2002; June 11, 2001; July 21, 2004; December 31, 2003

In your time format the files would be sorted like this:


It's 2002, then 2001, then 2004, then 2003. What a fucking mess.

In ISO 8601, there's no such issue.

Before you reply saying theres a sort by date feature, yes I know, but file creation date isn't the same as when the data is actually recorded. You could be inputting that data from a piece of paper in 2005 after the data being recorded in the years prior, so the creation dates would all be in 2005. Also, sometimes when copying files, the dates randomly reset. Putting the date in the filename ensures it wouldn't disappear due to OS shenanigans.


One of the major problems with TV that I've noticed is that you can have a great premise and great starting season, then the show gets cancelled for some stupid reason. I often find movies to have higher quality than TV. What do you think?

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by 001100010010@lemmy.dbzer0.com to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

You know those sci-fi teleporters like in Star Trek where you disappear from one location then instantaneously reappear in another location? Do you trust that they are safe to use?

To fully understand my question, you need to understand the safety concerns regarding teleporters as explained in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nQHBAdShgYI

spoilerI wouldn't, because the person that reappears aint me, its a fucking clone. Teleporters are murder machines. Star Trek is a silent massacre!

NFTs are scams (lemmy.dbzer0.com)
Schrodinger's Depression (lemmy.dbzer0.com)

I was about to just ask "What are some of your favorite music?" but then I realized some of you are gonna start naming those popular celebrity-singer songs which isn't what I'm looking for. Because I find that songs that are part of other forms of media such as Movies and TV shows are really some of the highest of quality.

My Favorite ones (that I can remember, I'm sure there are good ones that I forgot about):

The Main Theme of The Expanse (TV) https://youtu.be/5Y4wuVfV5G4

The Main Theme of Interstellar (Movie) https://youtu.be/kpz8lpoLvrA

The Main Theme of Terminator 2 (Movie) https://youtu.be/1XblVVbqIHU

Baba Yetu - The Menu Theme of Sid Meier's Civilization IV (Video Game) https://youtu.be/IJiHDmyhE1A

Sogno di Volare - The Menu Theme of Sid Meier's Civilization VI (Video Game) https://youtu.be/WQYN2P3E06s

Main Theme of FTL: Faster than Light (Video Game) https://youtu.be/VJ817kvh_DM

Field of Hope and Dreams - Deltarune (Video Game) https://youtu.be/PhhGEA_317w

Megalovania - Undertale (Video Game) https://youtu.be/0FCvzsVlXpQ

The Opening Credits of Detroit: Become Human (Video Game) https://youtu.be/eZTasD9YzAo

The Main Theme of Game of Thrones (TV) https://youtu.be/s7L2PVdrb_8 (We don't talk about season 8 here :(

The Main Theme of Sucession (TV) https://youtu.be/77PsqaWzwG0 (Honestly, I didn't even finish the first season and kinda got bored, but the theme music was memorable for some reason)

That's my list of the music I can remember from the top of my head, what's on your list?


A misanthrope is someone who mistrusts or hates humankind.

A racist is... well we all know what a racist is.

[-] 001100010010@lemmy.dbzer0.com 91 points 10 months ago

Yea this is a Lemmy issue, not an app-specific issue.



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Before you tell me to touch grass, grass is kinda illegal here in the US (if you know what I mean by "grass" 😉).

[-] 001100010010@lemmy.dbzer0.com 111 points 10 months ago

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[-] 001100010010@lemmy.dbzer0.com 168 points 10 months ago

Firefox. I couldn't imagine using the internet without it.

[-] 001100010010@lemmy.dbzer0.com 116 points 10 months ago

"Just be happy" to a depressed person

Oh wow, jeez, thanks, why didn't I think of that earlier!

[-] 001100010010@lemmy.dbzer0.com 98 points 10 months ago

I think any treaty should by default need approval by legislature for both entering and exiting the treaty, unless the legislature explicitly empowers the president to exit a particular treaty without legislative approval.

No country would trust the US if treaties could be potentially changed every 4 years by one person.

[-] 001100010010@lemmy.dbzer0.com 88 points 10 months ago

Imagine a world where every government has its own instance.

"Breaking News: North Korea has defederated from the United States, as well as hundreds of other countries."

[-] 001100010010@lemmy.dbzer0.com 111 points 10 months ago

I'm gonna crosspost my comment from the original post:

I’m guessing your instance admins didn’t defederate from exploding-heads.com. You can either ask your admin to defederate, or move to an instance that has defederated them.

[-] 001100010010@lemmy.dbzer0.com 216 points 11 months ago

Lemmy Devs: peacefully developing the Lemmy code for free

Reddit Refugees: "WHY IS THIS SO BUGGY?"

[-] 001100010010@lemmy.dbzer0.com 184 points 11 months ago

I'm a bit disturbed how people's beliefs are literally shaped by an algorithm. Now I'm scared to watch Youtube because I might be inadvertently watching propaganda.

[-] 001100010010@lemmy.dbzer0.com 159 points 11 months ago

Reddit CEO Steve Huffman is discriminating against people with disabilities!

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