Lemmy Apps
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Man, this looks awesome! I’m hoping to contribute a bit - and thank you for sharing your app. Saved for when I’m on my Mac. Also, my first comment! Hello everyone
Contributions are very welcome :)
The code might be rough around the corners, I literally learned SwiftUI as I was making the app, so any improvements to the code are welcome!
That looks very nice. Any chance to make this for Linux?
The logic of the app should be portable to Linux or Windows (with some modification), as Swift does run on both.
Front-end would need to be rewritten from scratch though, as SwiftUI is not available on Linux. Sorry :(
I'd do it if I knew how. Well, I guess I'll wait for a kind soul to do it.
Honestly, don’t bother with waiting for Leomard. I’ve seen there are Lemmy clients written in GTK, such as Lemoa and Lemonade.
Oh nice. Anything in Qt that you know of?
I have no clue - I only use my Linux PC with Mint for gaming. All the rest of my work is done on macOS.
Lets get it!
Nice work! I’ve been trying to make a Lemmy app too, so that I could get some SwiftUI practice.
Any tips for working with Lemmy on the backend? The docs have been… not too great for me 😮💨
Trial and error. The documentation and many design choices leave a LOT to be desired.
Such as the way the bearer token in GET request is sent in url param, but for the other requests it’s in the body. Why not just use the freaking Header for that?! Or how the Search request’s search query param is called “s” - it is absolutely not explained what it does or remotely indicated that it’s meant for the query.
But hey, if you want, you could help contributing to Leomard :)
Does it run on MacOS leopard?
Hah, unfortunately, I only had M1 Pro Macbook to test the app ;)
Looks good.
Android pls
I don’t use Android. Besides, it’s written in SwiftUI so porting it would be impossible
That's unfortunate. Loving the icon, probably the best lemmy design an UI.