submitted 1 month ago by Acamon@lemmy.world to c/askandroid

(I've got a pixel watch 2 and moto edge 40 neo, and some jlab earbuds.)

I usually listen to music on my phone, but recently linked my earbuds to my watch, and the same music played on Spotify sounds massively better on the same earbuds when played via the watch.

I assumed it was because I had installed the jlab app, and it was doing a bad job of meddling with the eq. But after uninstalling it there wasn't a noticeable difference. Is there some other setting I can adjust? Any thoughts on whether it's something my moto is doing wrong or something my pixel watch is doing right?

Its a substantial difference (although I'm not enough of an audiophile to describe it) enough that I'm now mostly playing music via my watch. But it's hitting the battery hard, so I'd rather go back to using my phone!

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[-] neatchee@lemmy.world 4 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

First, does your Motorola have Dolby Atmos? If yes, disable that crap. It is hot garbage IMO, except for the built-in speakers

Second, check which versions of AptX each of your devices supports. If your watch and buds support a higher quality version of AptX than the phone does, you'll get better audio from the watch every time.

Lastly, consider checking out the app Wavelet and its use of AutoEQ. Ever since discovering the AutoEQ project I have started using it on every device I can. It helps restore audio to near "studio reference" EQ levels, which is how the audio engineers design the music to be heard in the first place.

this post was submitted on 12 Apr 2024
2 points (100.0% liked)

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