Solarpunk technology
Technology for a Solar-Punk future.
Airships and hydroponic farms...
I like this! I’ve been thinking about backup slow trickle internet infrastructure;
Have you considered:
I believe IP over avian would offer much higher transfer speeds then my concept 😅
Suddenly, udp makes sense
This seems to be similar to what the Reticulum network is, it is a peer to peer network stack designed to work over any medium including lora, packet radio, wifi and anything else you can think of.
That’s awesome!❤️ Didn’t know they existed. It’s awesome that they have a fully functional (beta) version of this! Thanks. 👍
There aren't any links in that post and I can't find any related repositories when I search. Is this a real project or just theoretical?
It’s a concept. The technologies exist but nothing has bee created yet.
It sounds interesting. I’m down to be a test node when you reach that point.
I’ve wanted to play with packet radio for a while now. It’s a shame the article pimps a Cloudflare site (winlink). It’s fitting in a sense though because there is a ban on using encryption over the ham radio bands. So the emails over packet radio must inherently be exposed to the world anyway.
What laptop is that in the photo?
Apparently, the Gateway Computer brand was brought out of retirement a few years ago. They’re rebranded Acer laptops sold exclusively at Walmart. Crazy to see that old logo make a comeback.
Funny how that started