"I think you're sharing the wrong screen, we just see an Amazon checkout page."
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There was a really Fun pregnant pause, the one time I accidentally shared the wrong monitor, and everyone on that work project got to see my search results for sarcoidosis. Scary thing that I do not have but was researching while waiting for test results.
I do find it interesting that not a single soul said anything to me about it later.
So glad you didn't. Hope the baby is well!
I do this. I'm aware I do this. Yet I can't help but do this.
Same. I'll have to try out the "I'm assuming everyone can see my screen" that many people are suggesting in this thread.
Is there anybody out there?
quiet guitar picking
Just 👍 if you can hear me…
These days is everyone at home
Jokes on you, I just say
“I’m gonna assume everyone can see my screen… silence is golden”
That's an important lesson from the early days of the pandemic: assume you'll get zero reaction from the group, so set up your questions/requests/etc. in such a way that a non-response gives you the answer you want.
"Okay I'm getting ready to start here, speak up if you can't see my screen."
"I'm setting our target completion date for next Thursday. Anyone have any issues meeting that deadline?"
"This new wrinkle seems like something that is mostly within the area of expertise of Bob's team, so I'm going to ask that they resolve it before our next meeting. Bob, do you have any issues with adding that to your list?"
Only thing I do differently is throw that "Bob" at the start of the phrase instead of the end. Hearing your name triggers your brain to focus, so start with "Bob, let me know if you have an issue with this.... Since XYZ is in your team's area of expertise I'm asking that you resolve it by.... "
Saves a lot of time and embarrassment on the "sorry, I was multitasking, can you repeat that?"
Great suggestion!
Works great as long as you're not the one on mute.
Nice! Can you do: Are you sharing anything? Cause we can't see anything.
Whoever's mic that is, please mute yourself.
This started my day on the right note
Glad it made you happy after a long rest!
I hate it so much. I always say "I just assume you all see my screen. As you can see...". Screen sharing works in what? 99% of cases? We do not need to ask if everyone can see my screen and let 1-10 people answer that stupid question every time. The modus operandi is that this software works in the vast majority of cases and the recipients just need to know that I started sharing my screen and that it will in 99% of cases work just fine. Let them speak up for the 1% of times where it does not work.
I am also a big fan of ending my emails with "A response is not needed". Stop sending me replies with those stupid one line emails "Thank you so much for sending me what I asked you for.... bla bla". Not every emails needs a response.
Screen sharing works in what? 99% of cases?
It works 95% of the time but it often takes 10+ seconds until everyone can see the screen.
I get your point, but teams is such a broken mess that I think the question is legitimate. Half the time it doesn't even register my microphone even if Windows doesn't have a problem with it.
Fun Fact, Teams under Linux works way better than under Windows...
That's the exact opposite of what I've read in most linux threads on here. Most people seem to complain about teams not working at all under Linux.
~~That's the exact opposite of what I've read in most linux threads on here.~~ Most people seem to complain about ~~teams not working at all under~~ Linux.
I use Arch btw.
me too...
Teams not working at all is already way better in my opinion
My whole dev group uses Linux and Teams is a hot mess for us. We have to run the PWA through Chrome to get things to work and even then it's hit or miss.
Honestly, Teams works pretty much flawlessly for me. It's a resource hog and some actions (like switching between tabs) are inexcusably slow, but it works pretty well 99% of the time.
Maybe it's because I have a pretty beefy work laptop but I rarely have issues with Teams. I dread Zoom calls, though. The video quality seems worse and whatever noise reduction Teams has doesn't seem to exist on Zoom so it sounds bad, too. Not to mention the ugly interface
That said I'll take Zoom over webex any day. Thankfully Cisco is the only company I work with who uses it... And we make them use Teams when we host there meeting
That final one drives me crazy. My boss will respond to every email with a thank you. Why?
To acknowledge that they read it. Probably because that is what they want to see people do with their emails.
Good point, he does miss a lot of emails.
You forgot the intro: Hello, hello, hello, can everybody hear me? Is everybody there?
It's like a Digital Seance.
Tom, Are you with us?
Can you hear us Tom?
Make a sound if you can hear us.
We can't see you. Can you hear us?
Is anyone with us right now?
This is Clem Fandango.
I know who you are.
Can you hear me?
And the borg hivemind imitation when everyone has to greet everyone joining and 200 people keep saying hello in a way too happy manner for 5min.
I…I’m not a cat.
I ain't complaining about remote work.
You're on mute mate.
Note progression is correct but the melody is all wrong.
Let me pooooost aaaaa com - ment.
Can ev - ery - one see my com - ment?
I s..e..e… y…o … u… areonMicrosoftTeams.
It's missing the awkward pause where nobody can speak for "everyone", so everyone is silent.
The length of the notes is proportional to how bad the UX is to get it going.