This inspired me to dust off my old Zeki tablet and install Shattered PD.
This inspired me to dust off my old Zeki tablet and install Shattered PD.
Thanks so much for the kind words! It's lovely to hear that you've both been enjoying Shattered so much. The game's translation team definitely deserves some credit too. After setting up translation support in the game's code I largely have left the work up to them.
That's sweet.
The mimic chests have the clasp on higher than normal chests too, you'll learn to spot them.
If you want hints let me know, I guess, I've been playing long enough that I usually have successfully run every day that I play. (But not every run)
There's a few different ways to solve special rooms that aren't that obvious, but I don't wanna spoil stuff if you'd rather discover them yourself.
Thanks for the proposal, but as you said, discovery is part of the fun :)
8 year old girl: examines mimic
90% of people in the pixel dungeon Reddit: don't know how to examine things
My faith in the young generation is restored.
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