Sweet Liberty, my leg!
Helldivers 2
Welcome to the Helldivers 2 Community on the Fediverse.
Galactic War Status
- Be kind to other Citizens of Super Earth
- No discussion of cheats or bug exploits.
- Posts or comments with leaked / unreleased info must be clearly labelled. Example: Use [Spoiler] in the title or spoiler tag in comments.
- No spam or advertising (YouTube, Twitch, etc)
- Automaton bots/AI will be reported to a Democracy Officer
Banner by Noobmasterpro
The fuel that Super Earth relies on and invaded Tyranid space for is called E-710.
Spell it backwards.
017-E (OIL-E).
This message was sponsored by the Ministry of Truth.
Sounds like dissident propaganda to me, face the wall
Automaton’s propaganda branch must’ve wrote this article.
My favorite story is the buff tragedy of last August, where AH had made the game too hard and they basically nerfed the game. Prior to, I was reading ppls' reactions on Fbook, and faaaar too many ppl had to have it explained that HD2 isn't a meta super soldier fantasy, it's a satire on fascist propaganda. They'd reference the back of the case, saying you "are an elite squad using overpowered weapons"...
I guess AH is too effective of a propaganda machine 😂
It was quite the struggle for a while. Had they not rebalanced everything prior to the squids coming back the galaxy would be entirely voteless
Super interesting. I feel so weird playing this game right now with all that is going on in the world.
If you recognize it as satire, then I think you have nothing to worry about. If you view it as a goal....
I get the satire, but it’s more like the game is all about “saving democracy” and here we are just sitting around playing a game. We should be really fucking saving democracy right now.
I feel you. My job feels pointless, I just want to yell at the whole company that we should stop and go protest or something... But IDK if that would even do anything
Gimme that sweet 500kg IRL and democracy will be saved in 3 days
Oh in that respect understandable lol
Sounds like someone never watched Starship Troopers.