[-] spankinspinach@sh.itjust.works 29 points 3 days ago

My solution for this is just to not spend money in game

[-] spankinspinach@sh.itjust.works 74 points 3 weeks ago

This is weirdly sound advice 🤔

[-] spankinspinach@sh.itjust.works 34 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Ditto has a place in the world

[-] spankinspinach@sh.itjust.works 33 points 2 months ago

This is at the point where just not displaying ads at every corner is becoming a viable business plan

[-] spankinspinach@sh.itjust.works 45 points 5 months ago

Leaned hopelessness. Can't escape the effect regardless of your efforts so eventually you stop trying

[-] spankinspinach@sh.itjust.works 41 points 7 months ago

With 55 million, do you even care lol

[-] spankinspinach@sh.itjust.works 69 points 7 months ago

This is the one! They're ridiculously effective, so much so that my home provinces is sinking like 250 million into building 5 more of them over the next 5 years

[-] spankinspinach@sh.itjust.works 38 points 7 months ago

Hahahaha. They hadn't picked their outrage position yet and he was far too neutral 😂😂

[-] spankinspinach@sh.itjust.works 70 points 8 months ago

Quick access to massive credit card info as well. Micro step to "the everything app"?

[-] spankinspinach@sh.itjust.works 64 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

Canadian here. Minor correction: he didn't speak, but he was invited as a Ukrainian "hero" by the speaker of the house (a member of the sitting elected party). He was applauded - twice - for his "service". Including by Ukrainian president zelensky.

The only 'defense' I can offer is that our prime minister had no input on the matter, and Hunka's Nazi service came out after the fact. Canada does not support fascism or Nazism...

But it's a bad look, no matter how you cut it...

[-] spankinspinach@sh.itjust.works 60 points 9 months ago

I thought black and what television was black and white because history happened in black and white. I suppose that means life in colour happened after the invention of colour tv

[-] spankinspinach@sh.itjust.works 45 points 10 months ago

I'm always stunned by the numbers that ppl sell out for. I always think it's hundreds of thousands or millions, but its often like 60k... It's nuts.

But then, the CCP is very happy to bully their citizens. Until recenlty in Canada, they were having the Chinese police service muscle ppl under the guise of "diplomatic offices" for "drivers license renewals and other domestic Chinese matters."

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