If I was buying something, literally anything, and the people I am buying from make me sign a thing that said I couldn't sell the thing I am buying for X period of time after buying it, that would be a major red flag to me that perhaps this product is actually a huge piece of shit because they're already worried I will try to get rid of it within X amount of time.
A place to post your Cybertruck fails! We're here to make fun of this hunk of shit and throw as much shade as we can to that garbage bag of a human elon.
No doxxing No slurs No racism And no fucking nazis!
It’s fairly common for limited run supercars and meant to dissuade scalpers. Still silly, but there’s precedent
i mean, anyone who buys a supercar is kinda inherently a dick
I can help confirm this. I want a super car but I'm too poor.
For a lot of people the only thing holding them back from being dicks sadly is not having too much money.
That last part is so dumb. How on earth do you not realize you are buying into a scam pyramid scheme type thing with something like that in the contract.
No one ever accused tesla owners of being smart
Probably to stop resellers who get in Line first and sell it for a mark up.
Bought the car just to get attention and you're getting the attention. I don't see the problem. You got exactly what you wanted. It's a fuck ugly car that's shit quality. You bought it just because you wanted to be noticed. Well, play dumb games, win dumb prizes.
Buy the ticket, take the ride
Sorry, no sympathy. I have some sympathy for the Tesla owners who bought theirs years ago before Musk went completely mask off. But Musk has been an overt Nazi since the first cybertruck was released. Do you know what you call an Apartheid baby that platforms and massively promotes Nazis in the name of "free speech" while censoring other voices (see 'cis' as a slur). You call them a Nazi. Musk has been dealing in overt racism, malignant transphobia, and eugenics for years now. If you simply didn't care about this, and still gave that many $100k of your money? I'm sorry, but you just gave $100k to a man you knew was a Nazi. You're a literal Nazi sympathizer. Or, at best, you're a person who cares so little about fighting Nazis that you will willingly give the nation's most prominent Nazi a hundred grand.
So yes, it is absolutely is fair to judge people who bought a cybertruck. They're Nazi sympathizers. I don't know if I would personally engage in such vandalism. But if I was on a jury with such a case before me, I would certainly be practicing jury nullification. Some paint or flat tires is a fraction of what a car like that deserves. That thing should be burned to ashes. That is what should really be done to Nazi symbols like the cybertruck. Here in 2025, if you are driving a cybertruck. There is no way for you to have that vehicle without having every chance in the world to see buying it directly supports Nazis. Every cybertruck is already a rolling swastika.
Oh man I was a lil thirsty today, thanks for that cup of Nazi tears. Delicious. Hit the spot. Chef's kiss.
Even if that weren't a part of the contract; do you think anyone wants to buy a Cyber Truck!?!
Ha. Couldn't happen to a better bunch of dildos.
They're lucky the wrote on it using lipstick because stainless steel does not like bleach
That's how you successfully boycott a product
Call that one the Beastie Boycott: SABOTAGE
Musk was randomly accusing people of being a pedo YEARS before the cybertruck was released. No sympathy. User error for agreeing to that contract.
Easy fix, get four signs and hang them in the windows on each side. Have it say "Elon Sux - I hate nazis - ~please don't vandalize my car~ "
From a purely legal perspective, I'm curious if the contract would hold up in court, considering there is a concerted campaign of vandalism against the cars.
Elmo was visibly A Problem well before launching this drug-fueled mockery of engineering. It sounds silly for like five minutes after learning about it. Then you see one in person and it's just... eugh. Who buys this shit? Who buys this shit in spite of the aggressively public figurehead being a fucking Nazi?
Sounds like their fault for being stupid enough to buy something you aren't allowed to sell for a year.
That's a red flag.
I do, if the guy bought his shitup truck before it was widely known that Musk was a nazi ballroot. If they bought it in the last year or two, then I don't really mind that much. I wouldn't vandalise someone's property myself, but I won't be losing much sleep over it.
The Cybertruck in particular is very much a Musk Mobile, it's linked quite closely to his public persona and buying one is you telling the world that you admire and want to emulate Musk in some way, or at least be a part of the Musk Fan Club. It would be like if Hitler signed off on a fancy Führer Ford Focus, then cunts started buying it and showing it off. No shits to give for vandalisation in that case.
I could excuse some Tesla owners under this logic, but by the time the Cyber Truck was available, everyone knew who he was.
I think the moment CT became available it was very clear who Phony Stark is. Maybe he didn't do the Nazi salute at the time, but everything else was still valid.
I wonder what prez musk will do when the insurance companies raise the rates for owning Teslsa products.
This guy has the perfect out to set it on fire and scam the insurance company out of money and they chose this. 🙄
Good luck finding a buyer bozo
Do I feel bad they bought a shit car with shit terms? No. He should have been smarter.
Do I feel bad people are targeting his car because of something someone else did? Yes.
It's not like he wrapped the car with a bunch of inflammatory imagery like I've seen some have. He's just got his stupid car and people are fucking with it. This doesn't help crash Tesla. It doesn't hurt Tesla at all. It's misdirected.
Got after Tesla charge stations instead. Go after the dealerships. Go after Elon.
If the risk of this happening dissuades people from buying a tesla themselves it hurts tesla.
It's not like he wrapped the car with a bunch of inflammatory imagery like I've seen some have.
I would argue that the car itself is inflammatory to anyone who believes he's a fascist.
He's just got his stupid car and people are fucking with it.
If goebbels had a car company and you bought a car from him, fully knowing he was a Nazi...... I would probably say there's a pretty high chance you are also a Nazi.
This doesn't help crash Tesla. It doesn't hurt Tesla at all. It's misdirected.
If your car gets trashed every time you take it out because of the public's disdain for its CEO, are you going to buy another?
Of course I feel sad for them. The people of New Orleans deserve better than having swasticars in their midst.
Buy a ugly vehicle that looks like a third graders drawing to be seen. Now being seen is a liability. Too bad so sad... I'm not sad.
I do feel sorry for Tesla owners - pre 2025. People bought Teslas in good faith believing this company was heralding green, emissions free vehicles. Which it more or less did. They weren't expecting the CEO would out himself as a Nazi even if there were clues he was a terrible piece of shit. Being an asshole is one thing but Musk out-Henry Ford'ed Henry Ford.
So if you're going to discriminate, target >= 2025 owners where this is common knowledge, not those before. That said, the Cybertruck is and was a fucking terrible vehicle and deserves criticism on its own awfulness outside of any political dimension.
I mostly agree, but I'd set the cutoff date sometime around 2023, maybe up until 2024 for someone completely checked out of the Internet and/or Elon's bullshit. It's part of why the CT is targeted so much in this way, but not the model 3 or S. There are a lot of people who just wanted an electric vehicle when Tesla looked like one of the more compelling options (mostly due to marketing than actual features/reliability but what can you do about that in hindsight).
Even before the nazi shit buying one of these shitcans was a terrible idea. get fucked.