Say, that advertisement looks awfully familiar...
Working Class Calendar
! is a working class calendar inspired by the now (2023-06-25) closed reddit r/aPeoplesCalendar, where we can post daily events.
All the requirements of the code of conduct of the instance must be followed.
Community Rules
1. It's against the rules the apology for fascism, racism, chauvinism, imperialism, capitalism, sexism, ableism, ageism, and heterosexism and attitudes according to these isms.
2. The posts should be about past working class events or about the community.
3. Cross-posting is welcomed.
4. Be polite.
5. Any language is welcomed.
Is this real? What does the top say?
This is a real advertisement from an Israeli property development firm advertising their plans to develop and sell land in the Gaza Strip to Israeli settlers after the Israeli military evicts or kills off the current residents.
This is the heart of the evil of these Israeli settlements. It gives the people of Israel an incentive to oppose justice for displaced Palestinians. After all, if the Palestinians regain control of their territory, what will happen to these settlements? Is the land going to be returned to the people it was taken from? Oh, no no no! You can't allow that to happen! You paid hundreds of thousands of shekels for this house!
Say what?? The Palestinians want compensation to those whose lands and houses were taken from them? Oh, no no no! You can't allow that to happen either! Your taxes will go up! Why should you, an innocent taxpayer, have to foot the bill?
And even to the Israelis to whom none of this directly applies, they probably know someone to whom it does, or at least the sympathise more with their fellow countrymen than with Palestinians, who for decades their government has been describing as less-than-human savages who would kill them and their family and grind their bones to make their bread. Someone's going to be losing a million shekels either way, better those Palestinian terrorists than a fellow Israeli, right? Or so the thinking seems to go.
Propaganda and decades of indoctrination and dehumanisation are a powerful thing. Is it any surprise why even seemingly normal Israelis hold such extreme views regarding Palestinians?
(translated by google lens)