So, is this any good or is it just memes?
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Honestly, I'd say both. The writing's not going to make the show an all-time great, but it's decent enough as a seasonal, and given that - in my opinion - this is kind of a down season, I'd call it one of the better shows for winter.
Thanks for sharing your insight.
Glad to help.
It's a good thing the mold they found in the tomb wasn't harmful to people with a well functioning immune system or else spending hours studying samples there with no PPE would have been really stupid.
At least this one wasn't so obvious that I was able to solve it before the opening credits ran, although "spores, molds, and fungus" was the first thing that came to mind when they finally gave us a proper look at the tomb's interior.
The mysteries are okay, but the direction and pacing feel off, and the characters and their dialogue aren't interesting.
The whole thing of medicine vs. curses, you know which one is going to win in the end.
Not sure I'm fond of the curse angle