Ring of Wealth stacking is capped at +1 for the lowest ring IIRC, otherwise you could infinitely upgrade by farming for a better RoW drop.
It's +7, not +6. Think about it, if not, equipping a +0 would be useless, but it is useful, it adds to the calculation.
Yeah, like I mentioned I didn't have the exact behavior in memory.
A second Ring of Wealth can contribute no more than 2 levels (i.e. a +1 ring) when calculating wealth bonus for dropped equipment equips. This is to prevent it being possible to endlessly increase Ring of Wealth level by farming pairs of high level Rings of Wealth.
After playing with both rings equipped I can confirm Row+1 plus Row+5 = Row+7 (+1 is added on top of +6)
So it means when two rings are equipped there's a transfer of max +1 (capped) to second ring
Formula: Ring+1 plus Ring+2 plus 1 (transfer) = Ring+4
~~Wait, you get a free +1 just for having two rings equipped?~~
Never mind. A second +0 ring is +1 to your other ring. Makes perfect sense and I was thinking too mathematically.
Yea, duh
Thank you for taking the time to explain.
I realize my brainfart now, but this comment was not helpful.
I actually did explain on the comment right above this one, but didn't feel like copy pasting, so I thought a reply here will make you comeback to this post so you would see my other reply. And if I brought you here and then figured the answer that way, then it was helpful.
From all that I have read, to get the best percentage, is to upgrade one ring as high as possible (one person mentions +15 being the best possible for drops) and don't bother upgrading the other, the second ring gives a bonus, but no additional by upgrading it.
I have only had a couple games with two rings of wealth, so I haven't done much testing.
Best strat is to get a +4 from the imp, reforge in another 2 rings of wealth and apply 15 scrolls of upgrade. Then have another +1 for a total of a +23 on your ring of wealth. With other rings you can get up to +24 if you have a +2 instead. You can boost this up with the rouge talent that adds +1 level on your ring for a total of +24 levels on your ring of wealth, +26 on any other ring. If you grab the mentioned +24 RoW and drop a +14 with it (+12 guaranteed from RoW, 25/2=12 +2 from natural on creation upgrades) you can potentially have a +23 +1 (rogue talent) +14 +1 (talent) you can potentially have a +39 ring of anything but wealth.
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