[-] CrayonRosary@lemmy.world 2 points 1 day ago

Ah, it might be be a YouTube Premium feature. My bad!

[-] CrayonRosary@lemmy.world 2 points 1 day ago

Please remember to use frontends like Grayjay, NewPipe, Freetube or invidio.us to watch videos like these.

No thanks. I will use my YouTube Premium account.

[-] CrayonRosary@lemmy.world 4 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

It also wasn’t worthwhile because a shitty two pin speaker

All speakers are two pins. 🤔 They were crappy because they were most often little piezoelectric speakers, or otherwise very small where they couldn't play low frequency sounds well.

[-] CrayonRosary@lemmy.world 4 points 3 days ago

They smell really pretty, too.

[-] CrayonRosary@lemmy.world 12 points 4 days ago

Oh, the irony if a remote employee rents an apartment made from their old office building.

[-] CrayonRosary@lemmy.world 15 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

You don't hold hands in public? You've never gently kissed an SO in public? Does everyone around you think "Oh my god, those people are probably having sex." No, because it's perfectly accepted for a man and woman to hold hands or kiss in public. Gays should have that level of acceptance, too. But they don't because people like you are saying they should have no pride in their relationships.

That's all pride is. Being yourself and not hiding in a closet. And it applies to the transgendered, gender queers, asexual, and the whole rainbow.

"ThOsE tHiNgS sHoUld be kEpT PrIvaTe"

This is why we need pride month! To let people know it's OK to be queer and not hide in a closet. People like you are why we need pride to be a thing. A very-out-in-the-open thing. You need constant reminders until you fully understand what a fight it's been—and still is—for acceptance. Acceptance won't come from hiding away. It demands people stand proud.

That's what pride means! So anyone can feel OK holding hands in public or simply existing! It has nothing to do with sex or anything private.

Be better.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by CrayonRosary@lemmy.world to c/pixeldungeon@lemmy.world

Perhaps let players configure some number such that the game will never plot a path for your character longer than that without first getting your confirmation.

"The path you've chosen is longer than N steps, are you sure?"

And then I also feel this needs to be very easily toggleable. Like a persistent UI button. I'd have it on when exploring and off when backtracking, and those two activities are back and forth all game.

Relevant screenshot below. The entire level is explored, and this damn piece of grass sent my character haywire then I trapped at the X. This kind of thing has happened to me on much later levels and messed me up good.

In the Depths, I would set this number to something like 2 for safety. I can't count how many times a misstap has gotten me zapped, chased, and then pincer-attacked by some second enemy in the room behind me. But then I'd want to toggle it off to run back to an alchemy pot or whatever.


Connection: hour.

One of my all-time favorite songs.

[-] CrayonRosary@lemmy.world 109 points 3 months ago

This is called a VRIF, Voluntary Reduction in Force, and usually comes with a sizable severance. Lots of people close to retirement at my last job took the offer because it was worth it.

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by CrayonRosary@lemmy.world to c/syncforlemmy@lemmy.world

This was a comment I made on a "sink" post the mods deleted, and I think it's an issue that needs addressing, so I'm pasting it here. The comment I replied to said something like "Superscript and spoilers have always worked fine in Sync".

Ironically, that isn't valid Lemmy markdown. Sync should be supporting Lemmy markdown, not Reddit markdown. Here's what your comment looks like on the website:

This is^superscript^ and you can also do~subscript~.


This is^superscript^ and you can also do~subscript~.

Here's what it should look like:

Instead, you get this:

Personally I don't like Lemmy's syntax for spoilers, but Sync should still support it!

hidden or nsfw stuffa bunch of spoilers here


hidden or nsfw stuffa bunch of spoilers here

I'm surprised that actually even works in Sync. It didn't used to. However, Sync doesn't show my code block accurately, which is funny as fuck! No app should be editing my code block. Sync is replacing my text with reddit markdown in order for it to display properly. And even when I put that markdown in a code block, it still converts it to reddit style! It also strips out the warning text!

Here is what I actually typed:

And here's what Sync shows:

What a lazy ass way of doing it. It removes an important feature: the warning text, and won't even let me show Sync users how to do a proper spoiler!

Oh, WTF. Sync butchered my comment when editing it! I had to fix it back on desktop.

Sync is not fine. It's full of bugs that the dev is ignoring.

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by CrayonRosary@lemmy.world to c/support@lemmy.world

Here's an example. I'll escape the markdown so you see the raw text:


The URL contains unescaped parentheses which are illegal in a markdown link because the link itself must be wrapped in parentheses.

This results in my comments showing no pictures and users only seeing this nonsensical text:


If I try to escape the parentheses, I get this:

Oh, hey, it's the picture!

Whatever admin or bot is editing people's comments when moving pictures to some other host needs to escape special characters in the URLs.

[-] CrayonRosary@lemmy.world 110 points 4 months ago

A "burner" account? Never heard it called that before. "Sock puppet" or just "puppet" makes much more sense.

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by CrayonRosary@lemmy.world to c/firefox@lemmy.world

EDIT: It's something to do with my VPN and/or EasyTether, but it only happens in Firefox, so I didn't think that could be it. I commented about my findings below: https://lemmy.world/comment/7585497

I start a video and it either doesn't load at all of stalls within 5 seconds, never to recover.

I've tried everything:

  • Deleting every Mozilla folder in AppData to completely refresh Firefox. (after backing up my profile)
  • Flushing DNS cache
  • Uninstalling and reinstalling Firefox. (Which made me remember I had a policies.json file in the program folder to permanently lockdown the settings I want. So that wasn't the problem either.)

Even when using no extensions like an ad blockers it still won't play videos. Besides, I'm a Premium subscriber. Once in a while a video will work, but it's so, so rare. And often it'll even stop after a minute.

Meanwhile, it'll work in the DuckDuckGo Browser all the time, which is Chromium based.

What do you think the deal is? It broke rather suddenly a few weeks ago. Do you think it's Mozilla's fault, or Google's?


I fucking love it! These guys rock!

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by CrayonRosary@lemmy.world to c/anymusic@lemmy.world

Chip goes hard on this track!

David Liebe Hart has been a professional puppeteer for decades. Now he produces rap music with his puppet he named "Chip the Black Boy". The songs are written and performed by Jonah “Th' Mole” Mociun, with supervision from Hart.


submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by CrayonRosary@lemmy.world to c/syncforlemmy@lemmy.world

Edited the image to stop putting the person on blast.

[-] CrayonRosary@lemmy.world 85 points 5 months ago

Gboard is especially bad at this. If a word could in any conceivable way be capitalized, it will capitalize it.

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by CrayonRosary@lemmy.world to c/support@lemmy.world

I was just trying to go thank some people for recommending a mobile game, and I can't find my original comment where I asked for suggestions nor the inbox replies from the two people who recommended the game.

Does that mean that post was deleted? And all the comments and inbox replies go with it? That's kinda sad.

I suppose this isn't really a Lemmy.world issue, and more like a Lemmy issue in general, but I didn't know where else to ask.

[-] CrayonRosary@lemmy.world 155 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

You're missing some key facts:

  1. A lot of music on YouTube is fully licensed and uploaded by the owners or Google themselves. Like VEVO music, for instance.
  2. Google runs a content match algorithm on all uploads to detect music and movies. If you upload more than four seconds of a song, Google will detect it and transfer all monitization of that upload to the rights holder. This is why music documentaries like Trash Theory only have frustratingly short clips of the music they are talking about, and why channels like Techmoan, which documents weird music formats and playback devices, can also only share extremely short clips.

The rights holders are getting any and all money on music uploaded to YouTube, and your entire premise is flawed.

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by CrayonRosary@lemmy.world to c/syncforlemmy@lemmy.world

It would be good to display whatever the real error is instead of this erroneous message.

I don't even use filters except for a very short list of user filters from before the block API was implemented in Sync. I do, however have a very large list of blocked communities on the server, but I don't see why the Lemmy API would generate an empty page of posts due to my server-side blocks. Is it not smart enough to generate a page of posts after excluding my blocked communities? I've written a lot of paged database queries with filters, and implementing blocks after performing the query would be pretty dumb.

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by CrayonRosary@lemmy.world to c/syncforlemmy@lemmy.world

UPDATE: I just found this option:

Settings shortcut: Media > Shown options when peeking

That's where a "keep open" option could go, as well as a save button.

A lot of thumbanils have high resolution, and I want to see some detail on them without loading the article just to see it. Especially since mobile web pages most often don't allow zooming anyway.

Another option would be to have a save button you could release your finger over to save the thumbnail.

Even if it is an image post, these buttons could be available since I often don't pay attention to whether a post is an image post or not, and peek the image either way.

[-] CrayonRosary@lemmy.world 90 points 10 months ago

All wages are paid by customers. Where do you think the money to pay them comes from? Heaven?

The underhanded and sneaky part is that the menu prices are a lie. If they want to pay a decent wage to their employees, good on them, but they should just raise all menu prices by 18% instead of surprising you later.

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