What a good owl! This is like the definitive owl, and is exactly the image I have in my head when someone mentions an owl in general
It is the quintessential North American owl! Beautiful looking, with a wonderfully powerful hoot.
The Platonic Owl
Looks good, impressive wingspan. And you're back in my feed, so also great! Enjoy your day, be kind to yourself, ok?
It looks happy enjoying the sunshine.
I'm feeling pretty good today. Less sick, less mopey. Work may be weird today, too early to tell, but I have piano class tonight and that always makes me happy.
It does! I'm glad you're feeling better. I feel stiff. I could've slept a bit longer, but didn't and should have been up by now, to avoid extra aches. But I'm getting up now, so I expect after getting moving, some will wear off. I'll mask up before going out, just in case.
For owls that are superb.