Cmon Google, 256gb should be base now, and minimum 35W+ charging.
Not arguing your point, because flash storage is so cheap now, but honestly why do people need so much local storage on their phones?
I've got a Pixel 6 Pro with 128GB, and I've never come close to filling it in the 2 years I've had the phone. That's with offline maps, YouTube downloads, Spotify downloads, tons of photos and videos. My local storage is less than 50% full still.
I'm genuinely curious as to what people are storing on their phones that is requiring them to have more than 128GB of local storage.
Lots of Spotify playlists, podcasts, photos/videos, and a few backup games for me! I'm currently at 244.7 GB used out of 512 GB and barely use my data.
A large book and video collection for offline viewing can use a lot of space. Mobile internet isn't readily available everywhere.
Fair enough.
I have a crap ton of music offline and regularly take 4k60 videos on my P7. The feature exists, why hinder the phone's ability to use it? I would have gotten the 256gb model but for some reason it wasn't sold in India :/
Not to mention, just "System" itself seems to take 30+GB space on my phone?
64GB could be tight for me. But 128GB is roomy.
And the risk of having 256GB is that maybe I end up doing a backup every 24 months (when it gets full) and if I lose my phone more gigabytes are lost as well.
Pixel 8 Pro is going to be my next phone.
My Pixel 4 was amazing, switched to the Pixel 6 Pro 2 years ago and never really fell in love with the phone. Not a fan of the rounded screen edges, and in the past few months I've had mobile data issues with the phone. Phone shows I have decent 5G or LTE signal, but data doesn't seem to work.
Was with a friend one time when this happened, they're on the same carrier as me but have a Samsung. Both of our phones showed the same 5G signal strength. They were able to playback YouTube and browse the web with no issues, but my phone wasn't doing anything. Pages timed out, and YouTube failed to load.
I replaced the SIM card and that didn't fix it. Then I activated an eSIM and still having the same issue. The only "fix" I have found is putting the phone into Airplane mode for 10-20 seconds. After disabling Airplane mode the phone works properly again for a while. Wifi works fine.
That's a lot of RAM. Paint me quietly impressed.
Same as the Pixel 6 Pro though, right?
When you put it like that, I feel like the Pixel hasn't progressed in a couple years.
Same. I' have a Pixel 6 Pro and am open to getting a newer Pixel, but there seems to be barely any reason. My 6 Pro is nearly the same as the 7 Pro, while the 8 seems to have insignificant practical improvements.
The one thing that could really get me to buy a newer phone is if they reduce the size. When using only one hand, I hate having to contort my hand to reach the top corner. I also don't like the phone taking up so much space in my pocket.
I don't get what Google is doing. Android is losing market share to the iPhone. I know someone that had a Pixel 6 but switched to iPhone just because they had a smaller size for their smaller hand. They weren't as concerned with anything else like specs or software because that's irrelevant when the physical shape makes it difficult to use to begin with. Is Google not running market research?
Yep, feel like that too. Processor hasn't changed much either. Gonna stick with my 6 Pro until something interesting occurs. Hoping we get proper custom silicon in the 9
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