this post was submitted on 19 Jul 2023
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That's a lot of RAM. Paint me quietly impressed.
Same as the Pixel 6 Pro though, right?
When you put it like that, I feel like the Pixel hasn't progressed in a couple years.
Yep, feel like that too. Processor hasn't changed much either. Gonna stick with my 6 Pro until something interesting occurs. Hoping we get proper custom silicon in the 9
Same. I' have a Pixel 6 Pro and am open to getting a newer Pixel, but there seems to be barely any reason. My 6 Pro is nearly the same as the 7 Pro, while the 8 seems to have insignificant practical improvements.
The one thing that could really get me to buy a newer phone is if they reduce the size. When using only one hand, I hate having to contort my hand to reach the top corner. I also don't like the phone taking up so much space in my pocket.
I don't get what Google is doing. Android is losing market share to the iPhone. I know someone that had a Pixel 6 but switched to iPhone just because they had a smaller size for their smaller hand. They weren't as concerned with anything else like specs or software because that's irrelevant when the physical shape makes it difficult to use to begin with. Is Google not running market research?