- set a good tty font (it's almost all you're gonna see)
- be comfy with basic core utils (mv, cp, chmod, ...)
- choose a shell (bash, fish, ...) and set up some useful aliases/abbreviations
- fzf or something similar does wonders (also replaces things like dmenu)
- terminal multiplexers are used instead of window managers
- some applications allow you to do some graphics (like mpv to play video)
- there is more advanced stuff you can do with frame buffers
- there are terminal browsers like w3m or lynx
- a good extensible text editor is essential (vim, nvim, emacs, helix, ...)
- research some cli applications for your usecase (cal (calendar), neomutt (email), ...)
Over time your collection of aliases and scripts will grow to make common tasks you do easier.