Id be less than thrilled if my name was permanently associated with the urge to take a shit.
Not to mention it's both the family name AND given name. Just so there's no doubt or confusion. 😂
It was a letter in a magazine article. It was likely an alias, or bullshit.
Wikipedia says she’s real and doesn’t really mind the association
That just sounds like that thing where entering a place of comfort makes the body relax, which could easily trigger said urge, the quirk here is that this lady had it pinpointed to bookstores.
I assumed they associated reading and using the toilet and the volume of books just triggered the association in their mind, and wasn't surprised to see it as one of the hypothesis.
Oddly specific...
Well if you read on the shitter ofc you gonna get all pavlovian in a bookstore
I wonder if those women know their picture is used in such an amusing article.
Well ofc you can't go it in a library, it's way too noisy.
Not what I would want to have named after me.
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