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Shitty Life Pro Tip
To a place for the shittiest, most mocking "pro-tips" you can think of. This Community is welcome to anything shitty pro-tip related, such as memes, discussing the best shitty tip, and much more.
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2_Do not seek mental, medical or professional help here. This is not the place, community is meant for satire.
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5_No racism, harassing, or discriminating against any group or any of the communities members. This will get you banned immediately.
6_Tip posts must start with SLPT
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America nice. Gun culture bad. Jab good.
Ah yes, because bootlicking is better!
I am sorry, but we are in disagreement on that.
Unless you meant it sarcastically, in which case you need to inform me of what opinion I am supposed to hold here because I can't connect your reply.
I was sarcastic. Arming the people is good.
America nice. Gun culture good. Jab good. Russia bad.
75% brofist
Them's fightin' words
What you going to do with a gun while open carrying except make everyone extremely uncomfortable
You know how on Reddit people would/will take the previous comment then change one word, then the next changes one more word, then another person might add or subtract a word. Just to have a little fun?
Yeah that’s what’s going on here.