[-] Deestan@lemmy.world 43 points 2 days ago

A "trickle down" setting

[-] Deestan@lemmy.world 34 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

As a software dev, any code library named SimpleWhatever or whose documentation contains the word "simply" anywhere makes me afraid.

Because they never are. They are a sign that whoever makes them thinks the subject is too hard to understand.

The end result is a code library that doesn't make the inherent important hard parts organized and clear to work with, but obfuscates them.

submitted 3 weeks ago by Deestan@lemmy.world to c/autism@lemmy.world
[-] Deestan@lemmy.world 118 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

The artist, Stonetoss, makes a career on catering to homophobia, transphobia, racism, antifeminism, all the nazi shit.

It is very much deliberate. He tends to use nazi dogwhistles to make his comics pass cursory censorship.

Sometimes he makes merely mildly hateful comics, like this. That is also a deliberate attempt to avoid censorship and spread the comics outside the nazi bubble. This is why he rebranded out of his previous comic "Red Panels" which was all nazi all the time and got banned everywhere.

submitted 1 month ago by Deestan@lemmy.world to c/autism@lemmy.world
submitted 3 months ago by Deestan@lemmy.world to c/196@lemmy.blahaj.zone
[-] Deestan@lemmy.world 133 points 3 months ago

When trying to find the original top image, "male female hardcore" was a poor, poor choice of Google image search terms.

[-] Deestan@lemmy.world 122 points 3 months ago

Sunday: "I sold out of the $10 comics, but the $150 edition is 90% off right now since I'm packing up."

Viking laundry rule (lemmy.world)
submitted 4 months ago by Deestan@lemmy.world to c/196@lemmy.blahaj.zone
submitted 4 months ago by Deestan@lemmy.world to c/196@lemmy.blahaj.zone
[-] Deestan@lemmy.world 211 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

-long rambling historical lecture

-Yeah. Yeah. Sorry, I was thinking of birds for a moment. Many people in Ukraine are surprised and angry to learn they are actually Russia. What would happen if other parts of Russia learn they are actually France? Would they try to join the EU?

[-] Deestan@lemmy.world 108 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

Human genes only really "work as intended" when they are combined from very different sets.

So-called "recessive" genes are overruled by your partner's different pile of genes. They are usually shit traits like soggy bones or hair growing backwards, but since they never dominate, they haven't been naturally selected away. They're just harmless baggage.

You can still get them because it's all random, but the likelihood is generally low.

If you don't have that difference in mating genes, more of these recessive genes get to have a say in building the human. This severely increases the likelihood of birth defects.


Fun fact: This is one of the reasons why - when we start colonies on the Moon or Mars or wherever - it's important that we send a fuck ton of people.

[-] Deestan@lemmy.world 117 points 4 months ago

Note: Delisted from storefront. It remains in people's libraries for play and (re)download if they have bought it already.

submitted 5 months ago by Deestan@lemmy.world to c/196@lemmy.blahaj.zone
Net Rotations (xkcd.com)
submitted 5 months ago by Deestan@lemmy.world to c/autism@lemmy.world

This reminded me of myself age 8-9 when I would get stressed if I didn't "undo" any rotations of my body, or rounds around a table. Quite to the annoyance of my teachers and parents. Did anyone else have a phase similar to this?

submitted 5 months ago by Deestan@lemmy.world to c/196@lemmy.blahaj.zone
[-] Deestan@lemmy.world 219 points 6 months ago

Keep in mind that you, along with everyone else, know very little all in all.

The things you do know will be important to you, naturally. Their understanding and their importance will also feel obvious, also naturally.

So anyone not knowing these obvious important things will instinctively feel like an absolute idiot to you.

This is a mental trap. Try to avoid it. The less respect you have for others, the less able you will be to really listen to other standpoints and learn from them, leading to a vicious cycle of alienation.

[-] Deestan@lemmy.world 125 points 6 months ago

Sabine Hossenfelder, used to love her takes on physics until she fell in the usual expert's trap of believing she can talk equally usefully about things OUTSIDE her expertise.

First trans care, which missed a few important nuances. Then autism, which had a decades-old perspective and was at best "not informative".

Then hoo boy Capitalism where she made a huge tangled MESS confusing and conflating markets with monetary systems and credit, all apparently based off half-remembered textbooks from 1950 using long-disproven historical claims.

A lot of criticism was sent her way. None was acknowledged, or apparently taken to heart. Repeatedly.

From skillfully presenting physics with a "explain it like I'm 5" style, she's now spouting any trending topic in a "explained by a 5 year old" style.

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by Deestan@lemmy.world to c/factorio@lemmy.world
submitted 7 months ago by Deestan@lemmy.world to c/autism@lemmy.world

This popped up for me today, and I realized is very close to how I manage to trick myself to get things done even when it feels like my body's parking brake is on.

To me it feels like just "building momentum" in any way helps. If I'm in working mode, it's easier to pick up a cleaning task than if I'm in sofa mode. Sometimes just cleaning some lint from the table is enough to get the ball rolling.

Does anyone else have this, or similar techniques?

submitted 7 months ago by Deestan@lemmy.world to c/factorio@lemmy.world
You can do it rule (lemmy.world)
submitted 7 months ago by Deestan@lemmy.world to c/196@lemmy.blahaj.zone
[-] Deestan@lemmy.world 165 points 8 months ago

The same board of directors who put him there are in charge. The same corporate culture that let him push these decisions is still in place. The same critical mass of people in leadership who would care enough to block such crap still don't work there.

[-] Deestan@lemmy.world 158 points 9 months ago

While we were very reasonable, we understand that you just didn't get it, which made you sad. We understand it feels bad to be sad. To remedy this, we will try again using different words.

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