when you say something belongs to you, you don't call it "I's thing" - you call it "my thing".
if it belongs to your friends Jim and Bob, it's "Jim and Bob's thing" or "Jim's and Bob's thing". likewise, when it belongs to your gf and yourself, it makes more sense to say "my gf and my" or "my gf's and my", rather than inventing a brand new word that sounds so very stupid.
"my gf and I's" makes me want to hurl things and scream
Apart from hating the abbreviation, what's wrong with this? It sounds somewhat grammatically correct.
when you say something belongs to you, you don't call it "I's thing" - you call it "my thing".
if it belongs to your friends Jim and Bob, it's "Jim and Bob's thing" or "Jim's and Bob's thing". likewise, when it belongs to your gf and yourself, it makes more sense to say "my gf and my" or "my gf's and my", rather than inventing a brand new word that sounds so very stupid.