Immich x FUTO Q&A (www.youtube.com)

Short version of this interview is that nothing is changing, other than they're going to be asking a flat fee "$5-20" for the app, rather than relying on donations. All donation platforms have been closed. However, if you choose not to, as Louis says "that's between you and your God".

Project will remain AGPL and thus can be forked at any time. FUTO maintains the trademark of Immich name and logos.

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[-] helenslunch@feddit.nl -2 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

Open source has a long history of commercial backing. Ever heard of a little project called NextCloud? Matrix? Nothing changes. It all works the same way, because it's still AGPL license.

[-] jvh@feddit.uk 1 points 3 weeks ago

So with the android app, they said they would charge for that. But I guess the .apk would be on Github but you'd pay if you installed it from the app store?

[-] helenslunch@feddit.nl 0 points 3 weeks ago

You can look at some of their existing apps to see how this works.

this post was submitted on 09 May 2024
153 points (94.7% liked)


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