submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by shiftymccool@programming.dev to c/selfhosted@lemmy.world

Hey all!

I have a bunch of services running on my home server and was looking to expose some of them publicly via Cloudflare tunnel. This is done and working great using the origin server certificate and strict TLS.

Up until now, I've been using self-signed certs internally but now I don't want to deal with the "proceed anyway" crap on browsers. I have Traefik set up to get certs from Cloudflare using DNS challenge and that seems to be working.

So, now my problem is: how do I switch between these certificates for the same URL when I'm internal vs public? I'd rather keep that traffic local if I'm at home, which is also working, I just can't figure out how to get Traefik to use the appropriate certificate depending on if the request is coming from my LAN or Cloudflare.

Any suggestions? Is there a better way to accomplish what I want to do?

EDIT: Looks like I'm just going full Cloudflare on this one, thanks for your help everyone!

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[-] shiftymccool@programming.dev 1 points 3 weeks ago

Barring any Traefik tricks that allows me to accomplish what I'm after, I was thinking of going with your "third" option of just letting it use Cloudflare for everything but, I had to check with the experts first before just doing it.

I have some apps that complain or, in one case, flat out doesn't work if the cert is invalid. I've been working around it (sort of) but it would be nice to have it set up "correctly" for once. If routing all traffic through Cloudflare is the answer, so be it ¯_(ツ)_/¯

this post was submitted on 10 May 2024
20 points (95.5% liked)


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